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Everything posted by Xbox360Player

  1. Alright guys and girls im lookin to buy a golani rife and wanted to know if any of u have any experience with them and how u liked em... ive done my research and the only flaw ive heard about them are the mags sucks but tapco makes really good mags for them so if you know anything let me know
  2. obama can sign it but it has to go thru the senate and 57 senators have wrote a letter to obama that said there voting it down...... i hope nothing serious happens but i dont know im just a simple chef who makes food and carries a glock
  3. i hate to say this but i'm worried this guy just put the nail in the coffin for the u.n. gun treaty this guy screwed us big time
  4. well im picking it up in two weeks and i get pics up for yall
  5. ok just bought me a browning maxus sporting carbon fiber and i must say what a **** of a gun
  6. do any of u guys know anything about the stoegor m2000 ?
  7. ok guys and gals im looking for a new skeet gun anywhere from $400 to $600 and ideas either an over under or a semi auto i have a ruger red label but ruger quit making it so i want to keep that gun pristine as i can
  8. does anyone have or shot a charles daily 1911 im looking at buying one
  9. does anyone know where i can find a ar-15 forearm that is the triangular forearm like the vietnam era m16 kind
  10. id use it for all 3 uses and i dont know what the twist rates is on the RR but i found out rock river sells to the D.E.A so you know they got to be accurate
  11. i got a gun shop owner thats gona cut me a deal on the ar and yea its used
  12. ok whats better cause im either getting a wasr 10 (ak47) or a rock river ar 15. The ak is$ 400 or i can get a ticked out ar 15 for $700
  13. check out the ruger p345 i got one for $400 (a Steal) and its the best handgun i got
  14. Does anyone know anything about this brand of ak? Im looking at one for $400 plus i can get a real good price for my trade in on my sks. So tell me if you know anything
  15. does anyone have or shoot or know anything about the ruger p345 in 45 caliber im thinkin about gettin 1
  16. I have a p-11 and mine will shoot fine the thing is there made for close range
  17. whats ur guys opinion on the mossberg 500
  18. Does anyone know any lasers that would fit a ruger security six 357 mag with a 6 inch barrel?
  19. Has anyone ever heard of , shot ,or has an American Classic 1911 pistol? cause im thinking about buying one for $400 at a local gunshop.
  20. Does anyone know any bolt action shotguns that aint to expensive but there relible?
  21. now y cant i see (or shoot) any thing that big around my house and i live 1 or 2 miles away
  22. Ted for president 2012!!!!!!!!!:d:d
  23. i started out on a youth rem 870 20 ga and it was a great gun still is