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Everything posted by 280Ackleyrized

  1. Thats why I suggested the good ol' std 280 rem(7mm Express). Guess Im just one of those that hasnt been bitten by the magnum bug yet. And besides, I HATE belted cases. Im not recoil shy but see no reason to be subjected to unneeded recoil. JMO. But hey, if everyone liked the same things, this would be a boring world.
  2. Hey Tim, any response from Realtree yet on this?
  3. My friend, if you want the latest remchester testosterone ultra magnum go ahead. But for the uses you have listed, and with the stated fact you will be reloading, the 280 Rem is my choice. Standard or AI is up to you. The AI can run 140 grainers in the 3200fps range( 7mm mag velocity huh?) with LESS powder(less expense) and less shoulder impact on the stock end. The standard can still break the 3000fps mark with the 140 as well. Plenty of medicine for ANY whitetail walking on this earth. And when elk time comes around, just step up to the 160 grain. Of course I should state I am a die hard member of the Nosler Accubond Society. Before you go discrediting the 280 Rem or other folks start discrediting it, remember this. There will NOT be published load data for this round showing its full potential due to the fact that there are still old remington semi autos out there that will not handle the chamber pressure that bolt guns will. So to keep the lawyers happy, full potential loads arent published.
  4. Im just waiting for fall. Gonna be interesting watching lane kiffin eat crow this fall. Sure hope he has something for florida cause if i know meyer, he gonna try to ring about 70 on UT.
  5. Thanks Tim. Even shot a request through the websites "contact us" link and have had no response as of yet. Would even be interested in such a list for the Pro Staffers as well. But just remember...the key here is SPECIFIC. Enquiring minds want to know. And as for Bill's private hunting land...just need the gate code. Any idea what might con it out of T Bone? lol
  6. Thought that was a carter he was using. Know he shot carters before switching to tru ball.
  7. I see one problem with the broadhead. Some states have a minimum diameter restriction on their heads. And that restriction is measured by the size of the head in flight, not after blade deployment. I'll stick with my muzzys. Never had to worry about it opening up on impact.
  8. It would be super nice to see a SPECIFIC gear list somewhere on realtree.com for Bill, Tyler, Michael, and David. It should include, bow make and model, arrow make and model, broadhead make and model, optics makes and models, firearm make, model and caliber, ammo make model, clothing etc. I know these things are determined each year by sponsorship deals. And I know if it isnt quality stuff Bill and the guys wont use it. So tel us what they hunt with. PLEASE
  9. My suggestion would be rem 700 action, broughton barrel, 280AI caliber(I do have a load recipe for this caliber that does 3206fps with a 140NAB from a 24 3/4 barrel and accuracy is in the .3s). Stock would be a Mc Millan. Paint it up nice and perty and go snipe some whitetails.
  10. I not only reccomend the nosler accubond but swear by them. Pushing a 140NAB .284 dia. at 3200fps. Have taken 13 animals. All one shot kills. Only one moved out of its tracks and only one was not a complete pass thru. Shots have ranged from 40 yds to over 350 yds. The 40 yd shot was a deliberate center shoulder shot. Bullet performed flawlessly.
  11. My ol eyes arent what they used to be...i use the 1/4 meta peep.
  12. What im real curious to know is why Michael quit using muzzys. Noticed on MB15 he didnt have the pass thrus im used to seeing. Thats gotta suck.
  13. Anyone have the lowdown on the gear the Realtree guys are using?? Bow,rest,sights,arrows,broadheads,rifle,scope,ammo,etc??? Am interested in mainly what Bill, Michael, and David are hunting with.