A crazy end to my season. With only a few days left I got a call from a neighbor informing me I had an injured deer in the back yard. I looked, but there was nothing there. A couple hours later he showed up in the front yard. His hind quarters had been eaten (coyotes I assume). The 5 point 2.5 year old buck could not run, but was able to walk. To be legal I need permission from home owners within 100 yards of where I am "hunting". I called my neighbors and all agreed a mercy kill was in order. I used my crossbow and took the shot making sure it was safe. The deer walked to the neighbors and to my surprise walked right up their sidewalk and expired a couple feet from their front porch. I tagged him and spent some time cleaning the blood from the walk and removed the back straps. I seasoned then grilled them. I invited the neighbors over and we all had venison medallions for dinner.