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Everything posted by fly

  1. Dream Lake is by far my favorite lake I have ever seen or fished. It's also the lake in my signature. I had a great morning fishing the fall river as well. I only caught one brook trout, but he was the biggest of my trip. Also got him to come up for a dry fly. Sprague lake is where I first learned to fly fish years ago. I was glassing from an overlook high in the RMNP and spotted a small pond not on any maps. I was able to hike to it and found it had several small trout that were a lot of fun to catch on a dry fly. The story on the Poudre river I'll write in my blog later. A challenging hike that lead to an experience straight out of the 1800's!
  2. Some of the better pictures I took in or near the Rocky Mountain National Park.
  3. Take your best guess, but try to "guess" a spot that allows you to see well. That way you'll have a greater chance of finding a travel route and moving your stand to that location the next day. Sticking a stand in thick cedars wouldn't be what I would do until I knew where the deer entered/left.
  4. fly

    Shooting Low

    I have consistency with rocky mountain gators. Never needed to adjust my sights from field tip to broadhead. When I used muzzy's years ago I used the 100 grain 3 blade and they flew pretty close to my field tips. I wasn't happy with penetration which is why I switched.
  5. Will post pictures and pattern, but it might take me a little while to save the money with vacation coming up this week. Looks like it's going to cost me about 125.00. Hope your back is "back" on track jesse.
  6. Loos great! If you don't mind sharing... Who did the taxi work and for how much?
  7. Thanks guys, Cabela's has the truglo red dot 30mm and 40mm objective. The 40mm is 10 dollars more. Which do you think?
  8. Zero this year. In the past I have crossed the river to Missouri and bought some. In IL. only the sparklers, smoke bombs, snap-n-pops and other stuff like that is legal. I think the most I ever spent was about 60 dollars.
  9. fly


    I was using Google to find a marina to rent a pontoon boat on Grand Lake in the Rocky Mountain National Park and found an interesting story. It's older (2004), but I had never heard about it. I'm sure some of you have heard about it, but an interesting read for those who have not.
  10. Taking the family to the YMCA of the Rockies Monday. This will be our 3rd trip out there. It's really a great place becasue there is something for everyone. The kids all love to spend a few days at the YMCA summer camp which gives me and the wife a chance to hit the mountain streams and lakes fly fishing. I'm spending one day to hike to the most remote spot I can find and fish in solitude. Should have some good pictures to post in a couple weeks since wildlife is abundant in the RMNP. This one is from our 2007 trip.
  11. It looks like the hair needs brushed? Especially on the right front leg and down the back. If you're uncle is happy with it then that is all that matters.
  12. I don't know this as a fact, but would think that Michael, David, Bill, the Drury Brothers, and a few others that are the most famous probably get to pick the hunts they want (when and where) at this point. I doubt they are hurting finacially and missing a hunt because of a family event wouldn't be out of the question. However, it most likely took many years of missing those events to get to where they are. Seems to me that it can take decades of hard work and sacrifice. After being on the forums for over a year now I know Tim has had some pretty hectic schedules. Never heard him complain about it though. Tim, I wish you a speedy rise to power!:robot: (See the smile guy is rising to be a powerful robot) I've been waiting for the right situation to use that one.
  13. I have a 20 guage remington 870 wingmaster that has been passed down from my grandpa, to my dad, to me. It has the old long non-ventilated smooth bore modified barrel with a single beed at the end. It had a slightly bent barrel that I thought caused it to shoot deer slugs about 12 inches high. I sent it to the gun smith and had it straightened. It looks straight now, but still shoots slugs about a foot high. I wouldn't worry about it, except the darn thing shoots more consistent than my 12 guage 870 rifled barrel deer gun! I never would have thought I'd get such tight groups but it does. I even have an old modified ventilated rib barrel I put on it. The shots are not high, but not as consistent. I also thought about buying a new deer barrel but can't get one because none of the new ones will fit my older gun. So now what? I guess a scope and a scope mount would be the way to go? Anyone know anythign about B-square or had good luck with some other scope mount?
  14. I don't take offense to the IBO. The problem is with the manufacturers. Some will publish speeds that are exagerated. I hear Hoyt will actually underestimate! Can't figure that one out?
  15. Good hearing from you Dale. Wow! 320 hogs in 4 traps is amazing.
  16. I'd like to vs. Bill Jorden in an archery competition. He always loses. I'd have to go with Tim as well.
  17. I have a summit 14 lb. open shot and an older 30 lb. steel viper. I'd like to get a new 21 lb. viper, but probably not this year, money is tight. I really like the new open shot delux with a seat that folds up, mine doesn't.
  18. I bought a Primos blind earlier this spring at less then 1/2 the cost of a double bull. It has worked wellfor turkey's, we'll see how it does for deer this fall.
  19. Well Kathleen that wolverine looks great! However, the cat looks like a rush job. One can easily tell the taxi messed it up big time. I always thought the mounts were supposed to look life like! Seriously, great looking mounts!
  20. Check here for public Illinois hunting land: Take a look at the harvest data as well and see how many bucks are taken. To be honest, you're chances of hunting public land in IL and taking a big buck are slim. You have to find an area that is hard to get to and plan on doing some walking because ATV's are not allowed on most if not all public ground. For big bucks I'd look for places that have a 4-point antler restriction on one side like Pyramid state park. Siloam springs looks like your best bet at ground near Pike county. I'm sure there will be pleanty of hunters there. Good luck!
  21. 2003 Fred Bear TRX WB rest Gold Tip Carbons with Rocky Mountain Gator XP's. TruGlo 3 pin sight
  22. The Mandarin is pretty neat looking, but the Wood Duck is my favorite.
  23. Top notch lady ya got there. I'm just wondering why she isn't president?
  24. Without him the Wedding Singer wouldn't have been as funny. That's all I have to say about it.
  25. fly

    Rewinding Dreams

    I suppose no one else is dreaming about big bucks yet. I normally don't start this early, but since I bought a little boat I've been scouting some new places to hunt this fall that you can only get to by boat. Anyway I'm getting pumped way too early this year. Still have 3 more months!