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Everything posted by fly

  1. fly


    I don't think he'll make the 130 club I had guessed him at earlier this year, but a solid 120. Good luck finding him this season!
  2. fly

    Dinner Guests

    Yes! Season in KY starts Saturday but I won't be able to get down there until the 20th. I have that new/old girlfriend this year so I won't be able to hunt 100 of the 110 day season this year. LOL I hope to get at least 4 for the freezer though and does are on the hit list at all my locations for the first time in several years.
  3. Looks like 2.5 - my guess would be genetics. You may remember this one: I'd say this was an injury.
  4. fly

    Dinner Guests

    William, those two are from a public ground draw area. I did get drawn to hunt in this area but will not put my camera out. Last year the camera that took these pictures was stolen a week after I pulled the card and put a new one in it. I hope I don't have to make another 50 yard shot - need a lot more practice!
  5. fly

    Dinner Guests

    These are from IL. I've had more deer this year than ever before. I think laying off the does the past several years (in this area) has helped them recover from EHD back in 2012. Looking forward to the next round of pics to see the completed rack growth. I think the first one might end up in the 150's.
  6. fly

    Dinner Guests

    Going to invite these guys to dinner this fall. Hoping they can help me out with some additional interior decorating!
  7. Frank fly 44 years old Kentucky: September 5th - January 18th Illinois: October 1st - January17th
  8. I see we had the sign up on August 6th last year. Today is the 11th so if we're going to have one this year it's time...
  9. Sorry Martin. Great picture of your dad and his buck.
  10. I have a 60 dollar TRUGLO red dot on my 20 gauge Remington. It's an old gun so I had to buy the B-square mount for a 12 gauge and it hasn't come loose. It's accurate but the problem is it can be difficult to see the dot when aiming in bright sunlight. Bring a spare battery in case you leave it on over night and the next morning it doesn't work.
  11. I was taught to do either multiplication or division first (doesn't matter). Then addition or subtraction. I get 21.
  12. fly

    Pretty cool Story

    Tim, I think the odds are remote - more than a coincidence. Steve - great advice my friend.
  13. fly

    Pretty cool Story

    Thanks for the well wishes everyone!
  14. fly

    Pretty cool Story

    I don't share a lot of personal information here but this is a pretty cool story that just doesn't happen to people every day so here it is. Angie was my first "real" girlfriend from High School. The pictures below were from 1990 (Learning to shoot and Prom). We went out for a couple years but broke up in 1992 when I went away to College. We lost touch and I never saw Angie after 1992. After College I moved back to my hometown area in IL and got married. Angie also married about the same time and moved away to Montana. Ends up we both married the wrong person and both of us ended up single about 3 years ago. Unbeknownst to me Angie moved back to IL in 2012 and moved on with her life just as I was doing. It took three years for us to decide it might be time to start dating again. Last month (May) we both signed up to (if it wasn't the same day it was certainly the same week). For whatever reason Match sent her my profile as a 90% match. There isn't any identifying information on Match and while she suspected it was me, she wasn't sure. Additionally, she thought I was still married and did not contact me. The following day I reviewed the "who's been looking at your profile" feature of and there she was. I knew who it was and I messaged her. We decided to meet for coffee and catch up a little. An expected hour and 1/2 morning coffee turned into 6 hours and lunch. It's only been a few weeks but things are going very well. I don't know what God holds for our future, but I can tell you we both haven't had this much fun in a really long time.
  15. fly


    Looking forward to seeing some pics of those kings in a couple weeks Steve. Glad life is going well!
  16. Life's good Jeramie. Cardinals are in first place, hunting prospects for the fall look real good, and I just had a date with my old high-school girlfriend I hadn't seen in over 20 years!
  17. I thought he was closer to 7 as well. Great pics!
  18. fly


    Dug one out of my leg yesterday. Tried to get on a bird in KY over the weekend and only found a couple hens.
  19. Awesome hunt Al. Haven't been turkey hunting in years - I may give it a shot next weekend in KY.
  20. Thanks Hoosier - the special draw area opens one week before mine so the pressure will be minimal with only 5 hunters per week. In addition I hunt pretty far back and not too many hunters make it back there till it cools off in November. It's always the same every year - Each morning 10-50 deer head north to the tall grass bedding areas right at daylight. After an hour the show ends till about 2 hours before dark when they come out of the bedding to the fields. The usual problem is getting busted by the does before the bucks come. Playing the wind is a must and good concealment. Hunting in October should make concealment a lot easier.