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Everything posted by fly

  1. I have several. 1. Everytime my kids start complaining or whinning... "There's no crying in baseball" Took that from Tom Hanks. 2. In the morning when my kids are taking too long getting ready for school I'll sing... "All right now, you all got your... hair combed back, and your teeth brushed, and your shoes on, and your HAIR COMBED BACK?"
  2. fly checking in. I love turkey hunting, but live in a terrible place to hunt them. Every year I complain about the IL turkey hunting regulations and every year I get closer to hunting the thunder chicken in neighboring Missouri where turkey hunting makes sense. Illinois has a lottery for turkey hunting and this year I only got a second choice permit for 5 days in a county that's 2.5 hours away - my other application for a different 5 day permit later in April was simply denied. Therefore I get 5 days (Monday -Friday) in early April to bag a bird. Of course I'll have to work so I'll have 2 mornings to get a bird (in IL we have to stop hunting at 1pm). Factor in a typical thunderstorm and there goes my 2012 turkey season right out the window. So we'll see, there will be no holding out for a gobbler. Anything with a beard will be going down.
  3. Hunting has become a way of life for me. It is interwoven into almost every day of my life. There is a satisfaction that comes with quality meat control that one can't get at the market. I select the meat (in the field), harvest it, butcher it, prepare it, and eat it. Mounts decorate my house, hunting videos frequently fill my house with sounds and images of the outdoors, and I spend a lot of time talking hunting with friends and family. So hunting is no longer an option for me, it is who I am. If finances get tough I may hunt less, but I will always find a way to get into a tree stand.
  4. I think the Cards will make the playoffs this year. They need to work with Holiday and get him to produce when it is most needed. That's key to the next season. Albert made his choice, he never seemed to be in the same league (in character) as the Cardinal legends. It would be odd seeing his statue at the stadium. However, I must say this about every 2011 Cardinal player... I took my kids to game 6 of the series last year and it was the best night of my life. So thanks to all the Cardinal players that took an underdog team from almost done, to number one.
  5. fly

    Moving on....

    Hope you get the job Ruth! In almost 20 years of nursing I can tell you the best hospitals are more often than not the larger ones (especially if they have a partnership with a medical school. Once you realize the level of care possible, it's so much harder to go to a smaller place that doesn't deliver that same level of care.
  6. fly

    My new ride

    Great color Ross! Love that truck! Almost got one just like that last year.
  7. Beautiful Picture! You really set that up well.
  8. fly

    Moving on....

    Nursing is truly a noble profession, but is very bizarre when it comes to the management side. How many professions can you think of that have the same pay rate for a worker with an associate degree vs a doctorate? That's right, in the summers when I'm not teaching I'll do a little work in some of the local hospitals where my PRN (no benefits) pay rate is the same as every other nurse working PRN regardless of education or experience! I know students that graduated, got a nursing job working with someone I knew that had been a nurse for years. My friend helped precept the new nurse and was making a couple dollars more per hour. After a year the new nurse left and got another job and was able to get a higher pay rate. After another year she left that job and got another higher pay rate. A year later went BACK to the hospital my friend was at and was making 5 dollars more per hour than my friend (my friend had stayed loyal the entire time and was rewarded with a lousy 3% annual raise). It is almost always finacially a better option to job hop in nursing. A totally backward managerial approach.
  10. Not so great for non-residents if you ask me. I bear hunt in the spring and researched bear hunting in the lower states a couple years ago. Can't beat spring bear hunting in Idaho.
  11. My 2 kids and I will be flying into Orlando a week from Saturday. Will be in Tampa on Clearwater beach that Saturday afternoon. Sunday - Disney World, then Universal Studios, finishing with a swamp boat ride.
  12. I'd like to have an open season for anti's (paint ball of course). Do they make extra thick coatings for paintballs? -let's throw the law makers that passed it into the open season as well.
  13. 2010 F-150: owned it one year - 24,000 miles
  14. Regular Gym- Upper body work out 2 days per week with 20 minutes on the treadmil (about 2 miles) Regular Gym- Lower body work out 2 days per week wit h20 minutes on the crosstrainer (about 1.4 miles) Rock Wall Gym- Climb once per week (about 90 minutes on the wall) Then 1 day per week I ride my bike for an hour or so or play Basketball- Pick up games at the church. Started this January 2nd to lower my blood pressure. It has worked well so far.
  15. fly


    People can change (even cheaters). Dealing with the baggage is the tough part - for both parties. I don't believe a relationship can succeed without trust. Both parties would have to be able to let it be part of the past which is a very difficult thing to do. Best of luck to you!
  16. Couldn't vote???? Screen got all wierd. I shoot 70 pounds
  17. Not sure why it came apart? Never even realized it to you pointed it out Dan. Perhaps because I had to simmer it in a pot twice??? I could glue it together pretty easily. I have a 130 incher at the taxi now for a full shoulder mount. He's repairing the right main beam. I'm curious to see how it turns out. Should get it back any time now - I'll post pictures when I do. Dan, don't ever worry about saying anything to hurt my feelings. If I post pictures I appreciate honest opinions. That goes for everyone (except 92xj). I'd prefer that he continues to sweet talk me.
  18. I'm with Dan, no idea what happened but it seems everyone is ready to forgive whatever it was so welcome back!
  19. Front Door (I use this during hunting season) Back Door (I use this when it's not hunting season - They are always so glad to see me)
  20. fly


    Just reading up on him and so far his views line up with mine. I'm going to support him regardless of what the rest of America does or thinks. I applaud him for taking a stand for Christian principles in a time where imorality, extreme feminism, and political correctness are detroying the basic building block of our nation - the family (husband, wife, and their children). Rick Santorum gets glitter bombed - YouTube
  21. December 2011: 161.13 January 2012: 181.39 Last year prior to the wife moving out... December 2010: 258.79 January 2011: 258.12
  22. This is awesome! Steve, I'm not the kind of guy to commit and then bail out so I have a few things to check on before saying I'm in. However, I'm 100% certain I want to go and will take the steps necessary to take you up on this gracious offer. In addition... from reading your posts over the years it would be great meeting you. Let's give it some time and see who else might be interested. If no one I'd like to check and see if I could get one other person to go along. My dad might really enjoy a trip like this.