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Everything posted by fly

  1. Grat question Ethan! What worked for me last year has yet to work this year for me???? Last year I'd do about 5-7 "pops" with the grunt call (quick breaths into the call as I turn my head 180 degrees. During November 1st-late November is when I do this. Sometimes I'll end the sequence with a louder and longer grunt. I do this without seeing a deer about every 20-30 minutes trying to catch a buck crusing that I don't see. This is what I've had the best success with. Since I've had no luck this year I'm trying to add some doe calls (the can) to the beginning or end of the grunting. No luck so far. When I see a deer seems he's either cominng to the grunting or not. Doesn't seem to matter what I do as long as he can hear it. I gave up on rattling. Never has worked for me.
  2. Welcome to the world of successful bow hunters! That's a dandy alright!
  3. If I can't drive my truck in to get it I use my game cart. Generally pull it in myself (after field dressing, lighten the load)
  4. Pre-rut chasing phase started last week. The rut will kick in next week. Right now is a great time to be hunting in IL.! Shotgun 1st season is post-rut (generally about 1 week).
  5. If you're cousin is a true bowhunter he's sick right now and needs encouragement to continue bowhunting and help to correct the problem. Losing one deer is one thing, but two is another. Don't get mad, just try to help. If he's not receptive then don't let him hunt your area any more.
  6. Awesome Paul! Glad to hear of your excellent hunt! Nothing like bowhunting huh!
  7. So Close! Had an encounter with a nice 8-point tonight! He looked like a 120 incher and 2.5 years old. Since I was hunting on the farm I'm losing to an outfitter next season he would have went down if he had been 10 yards closer! He was crusing about an hour before sun-down. Darn thing was walking into the wind and at one point was only 40 yards from me. I thought for sure he'd smell me, but he didn't. He had his head down and I imagine he was tryign to pick up the scent of a hot doe. Anyway, it was fun seeing the pre-rut activity! Going out again tomorrow!
  8. fly

    how to stop it

    Might want to try sighting in using a lead sled. For most people the flinching gets worse the longer you shoot and the more kick your shoulder absorbs.
  9. Great story, my dad is retired now and slowing down. Still out there every year! There is a website that a forum member posted a while back that is pretty cool. I used it to make the image below. My dad still has it on his TV as the center show piece. Perhaps you might find it useful.? I'm just now noticing the thumbs down symbol? I didn't put it there and can't seem to get rid of it?
  10. John, I just loved that story! At first we hated the dogs, then we love the dogs. At first the buck was an 8 point, then it was a 6-point. Congratulations on your first archery kill! You the man!
  11. Been quiet in here this week! I haven't been out much due to trick-or-treating and work, but I've got several several days coming up starting tomorrow! Cooler temps, dry weather, and early November is making my blood boil! Got a feeling I'll have some more venison by Monday!
  12. Some interesting replies here. While in a relationship it is important for both parties to reveal who they really are because in time it will come out. If one or both were misleading it will just create a problem to deal with later. One problem is that a lot of younger people don't really know who they are yet! My passion for hunting didn't start until my late 20's and just continues to grow each year. My wife isn't a hunter and my growing passion has created some issues, but through communication and love we resolve them. The way I see it is that anyone that wants me at a wedding will not have it on the opening day of deer season. What I would miss opening day for... Close family funeral Close family hospitalization (serious) That's about it.
  13. fly

    I have had it...

    You sir, are my hero! (You passion and dedication are commendable) Persistance will have a pay off! I've been out 13 times since October 1st. Seven of those hunts resulted in seeing zero deer on stand. I've only seen one antlered buck last week. A decent six pointer.
  14. I'd bet he'll be dead by morning. If he's still alive you'll likely be able to get real close for a finishing shot. Have an arrow nocked and ready as you approach!
  15. We all knew it was coming! The write up sure handles the poor reviews (from some hunters) Matthews bows have had the past couple years. However, a write up is one thing performance is another. I'd have to hear some field reports from actual hunters before I put any stock into the write-up. Still, if the write-up is accurate it may be my next bow.
  16. Not sure how far West you want to go? Here in IL there is a lot of public land hunting in the Shawnee National Forest. The biggest problem is getting to the best hunting areas. One has to walk a mile or so to get away from the high pressured areas and in most of the National Forest no motorized vehicles of any type are allowed. In some areas marked as "primitive" pull carts are not even allowed. You may also want to look into the Daniel Boone National Forest in KY as well.
  17. To deer hunt in IL residents must have: License - 7.50 Habitat stamp - 5.50 Deer permit - 15.00 Total: 28.00 to hunt one deer of either sex for residents. In IL one can buy an unlimited number either sex permits for archery, but can only harvest 2 antlered deer per season with any weapon. What I have paid this year: License - 7.50 Habitat stamp - 5.50 4 archery deer permits - 52.00 2 firearm permits - 30.00 1 muzzeloader permit - 15.00 Total: $110.00 to legally harvest up to 7 deer. BTW... Look for these to double for next season!
  18. Have heard some indicate poor blood trails?
  19. Dan that's great! I always heard the purple one was gay???????? Not that anything is wrong with that, just wondering if you all heard that as well?
  20. Congratulations to your buddy Alan! I know the weather has been so wet (the most rain on record for October!). This week the weather will be dry so we'll see.... Sorry about your soup, you coming back next year?
  21. Depends on the tree. My lowest is about 20 feet and my highest about 35 feet. The 20 foot stand has a lot of large branches after 20 feet that I'd rather not cut because I like the cover they provide. The 35 foot stand I don't hunt until about now and then has no cover so I have to get high to avoid deer seeing me. Most of my stands are around 25 feet high. I only use 2 hang on stands. I use rapid rails and stick ladders to get that high.
  22. Treated instead of tricked! Great looking buck
  23. I hope I never get to the point you're at. Sorry to hear of your frustration. Rushing into anything when emotions are high is a bad idea. A lot of people will be ready to take advantage of your weak point and buy your stuff for next to nothing. At least wait a while and if you still want to give it up at least you'll be in a better frame of mind to get a fair deal for your gear. So many things you could do to mix things up and add some flavor to the hunt! Find a buddy to hunt with. Start door knocking and see if you can gain permission for a place closer to home. Honestly, I live in IL. and although it is tough, it is not impossible. Most people just say the typical line (no one will let me hunt) but in reality they have only asked a couple. I'll likely never lease or own land because supporting my family comes first. I find a way and you can to. Send me a PM if interested in hearing about some things I do to make it more enjoyable and less frustrating. BTW... I've been out 13 times since October 1st. I've harvested one button buck, seen about 6 does, and one six pointer. About half of the 13 hunts I have not seen one deer and I still have a blast!
  24. The weather for this week will be.... Corn and beans falling from the sky (into silo's) instead of rain! As far as the pre-rut chasing goes... Let's get it on!!!!
  25. From what I've read you know this deer is the dominant buck in the area. He's big and old and he will not be on hormone behavior for another week. I'd move if you'll be hunting again before November 7th. Then after that I'd be back in that satnd.