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About ate1cropy

  • Birthday 05/20/1985


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  1. I have the fish trap yukon...LOVE IT! I have fished in many houses but the fish trap style is my favorite. Like it was said above they are expensive, I bought mine used to save money. I can fit all of my gear inside making it easy to move around and easy to store all my gear.
  2. I guess thats a shooter... Haha nice rack!
  3. Im from the south metro. These bucks live right in the city. There is a hunt the takes place every year but all the deer come hide out by my house for a while till its over. Too bad where these photos are taken there is no hunting. It would be a great spot too!
  4. So im not ready to give up the trail cams for the year. It's real hard when im seeing bucks like these so close to home. Cant wait to get pics of them without their racks so I can try to find them.
  5. Yup... He is a city buck. Can't touch him. Jus thope he keeps showing up so I can get picks of him when he drops his rack.
  6. I checked the camera thismorn and got pictures of my first drop tine.... Not the biggest but its a cool looking buck. hes got some sort of bladed abnormal point coming off his let base. Im guessing hes on his way down.
  7. Are you sure they go together? haha nice finds
  8. If you catch a fish and wish to have it mounted what is the best way to keep it till you get it to the taxi? - thanks
  9. Has anyone fished on the English River. The girlfriends uncle bought an outfitters on it some place and I was just trying to find out a lil more about it but im having a little trouble.
  10. Going on a tip in a couple weeks to mille lacs and looking for som suggestions on what kind of line to use... My rods now have the blue trilene cold weather stuff. I heard floro works well. I have some Trilene Sensation from the summer and didnt know if anyone had used that thru the ice. any help would be great. Thanks
  11. I was mad because Ive been getting some good buck activity like fighting and all sorts of good stuff. so i set it to video and this is what happens. Got a perfect 8pt that showed up for the first time too. His tracks go right by the camera so it would have been a nice little video of him strutting his stuff but all i got was a o.k. photo of hime. better than nothin i guess
  12. Ok... I have had a cuddy no flash for a couple years now and up till now its been great. I set it out on monday on the video mode and went to pick it up just now. When I checked the card I found that it took videos with the first 5 pictures and didnt take another video till the last 3 pictures. I dont know if the camera is going bad or if other people have had the same problems. we have had extremely cold weather like -20 or so and I dont know if thats why. Youd think that if the weather had anything to do with it the camera wouldnt work at all... any help would be great -thanks
  13. Lakes are a lil to frozen to be fishing for bass right now but all I can think about when im drilling holes and looking at my bobber is how I cant wait for the thaw so I can start casting for some bass again... Nice fish and catch a couple more to get me thru the winter would ya!
  14. What do you guys fish for on the rivers up there? Just walleyes?