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About Hoytguy

  • Birthday 12/03/1967


  • Location
    Battle Mountain NV.
  • Occupation
    I drive a Kenworth W900L
  • Interests
    Don't have time for hobbies. Hobbies cost money. I have Interests.....they are free !
  • Biography
    Drive truck, Shoot Bow...thats it !!! Oh yea,,,, and every so often I make a couple arrows.

Hoytguy's Achievements


4-Pointer (2/7)



  1. How many of you Ladies and Gentleman remember Matt Stutzman ?? (inspirational Archer and Armless Archer) Awhile ago his Youtube video's were posted on the Archery Talk Forums. An inspiration to us all and his remarkable ability to accurately shoot a compound bow with his feet. My hats off to you Brother !!! This last few weeks, in Iowa, was the Handicap Archery Season. (exact dates not important for this thread) The guy that is guiding Matt is my hunting buddy, pal, and brother (Nick Catron) of Madrid Iowa. Nick and Matt have been hunting out of a Double Bull groundblind to fill Matt's tag. I just wanted to throw this out to them guys and say Good Luck !! You have no idea how bad I wanna be there to share your campfire. If none of you have seen Matt's video's, please take the time to check them out. Wish them the best of luck this season. http://www.inspirationalarcher.com/Home_Page.php Good Luck Matt and Nick !!!
  2. I don't get around here much anymore, but thats the best news i've heard in a long time !!
  3. Weight consistancy throughout the shaft should be looked at first and foremost. Some of the best archers in the world couldn't tell the difference between .006 and .001 straightness.
  4. Be prepared to be hooked for life.
  5. Yea...I kinda picked up on that also.
  6. Ever bit of extra info is apreciated. Thanks guys !! I did go to Scheels yesterday and lived in the Black powder section for an hour. Of course the guy working there was trying to talk me into an old hawken style rifle.......you bet. Bullet weight and powder grain charts is what i'm looking or now. I want to keep the bullet weight rather light. Let's say right around 230 grains. What would be a good powder charge with the Blackhorn 209 powder ??
  7. BTW...I printed off Bluelk's sticky to read on the way to Reno. There is alot of info there. I can only admit... ....I was a member of Realtree Forum's when there wasn't alot of members. I think this is my 3rd. username. My original name was Pretorian. I remember when the Monarch "Bluelk" was still with us sharing his campfire. I can humbly say "i waited too long". The information he could have shared with me would have been endless. Not enough wood for that campfire. What everyone has learned from him, i'm counting on you to pass along to me. So, to all my "Smoke Pole" Bloodbrothers...Thanks in advance for any info you may have for me.
  8. Thank You Jesse for the reply. This is going to be a learning experience for me. I've reloaded for my shotguns and hand guns. But this is different than that but then very similar. I'm just trying to absorb everything I can. Sabot, Powerbelt, Powder, Pelets, Measure, Clean, Patch, Lube................Stop The Insanity !!! I'm having a meltdown !! I'm off to the Reno Scheels tomorrow and i'm leaving with one thing...a headache. I'm going to find their Black Powder guy and say..."Teach Me" !!
  9. Seriously thinking about getting the CVA Apex or T/C Triumph in 50 cal. I haven't a clue what I need or do or what's better for powder. What's everyones opinion on the smokeless powder. I'm getting ready to read Bluelk's sticky. Thanks in advance guys !!
  10. I've been away from Minnesota too long. I'm trying to get back north. Can you say...Bemidji ??
  11. I'm with ya Steve. I have my blind brushed in and leave my windows down all the time. My roof flap is half open even. There is different ways to hunt out of a blind though.
  12. Couldn't agree more. Got rid of the guns years ago when all year I waited for the 9 day hunting rifle season in Northern Minnesota. Half hour after shooting hours were open, my season was over. I needed a different challenge. Found it in bowhunting.
  13. I'm looking forward to it. I was born with Minnesota Blood in my veins. I got my Purple Cheese Head ready to go !!! Green Bay sure did go down hill after Favre left didn't they ??? (i got a big bag of salt for that wound) LOL !!!
  14. Great idea...i'll go check them out. I had 4 deer last year taken with my Kenworth W900L. What was left wouldn't make a good place mat. LOL