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About wtail

  • Birthday 03/10/1972


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  1. I have been guiding bear hunts in saskatwan for 12yrs now and what we do to help hunters out to judge bears is we will take orange ribbon and rap it around trees at 45 gallon drum hieght.if a bear back is up to the ribbon pull the trigger.as for the ears you can't always go by that some huge bears have huge ears.when I am hunting them and a bear comes in and looks like a 45gal drum walking I shoot. We hunt over bait there.If your spot and stock try and get as close as you can,and take your time to figure out the size.they are very hard to judge when they out a couple 100yrds.here is the last bear I shot and he had huge ears his skull was 20" but when I seen his belly draggin on the ground I knew he was a shooter.
  2. wtail

    bow buck

    I shot this buck on the 4th day of the season(september)I had him come by my stand 3 days in a row and on the 4th day it was his unlucky day.I was waiting for a much larger buck,but I know what happens when a person gets greety.(TAG SOUP)he scored 152" I shot him at 10yrds.the trail cam pic is the buck I was hoping to get a chance at but but he never did show him self.
  3. Now thats a buck!!!! WOW!!!
  4. I have been using the zero effect for a few years now and love it.I have put it on 2 bows so far and it worked just fine.
  5. Hey tim a hunter host is not that hard to come by.are season is coming to a close soon, but if you need some more imfo give me a pm.I tryed that pm stuff and I have to wait tell I get 50 posts.how can we contact each other
  6. I was wondering why both deer look like they both have holes in them like they were both shot.I thought 1 was dead already.It sucks to see 2 awsome deer go like this ,it is to bad dnr couldn't come out and cut them apart,they sure would make for and awsome mount.
  7. sounds like they had a good hunt.2 great bucks.
  8. bow:champion hurricane 31" axle to axle arrow:carbon excell 340 8.8gpi 28"long broad head:crimson talon 100gr draw weight: 67lbs draw length: 29" arrow rest: muzzy zero effect sights:true glo lighted sites 5 pin
  9. well I finally did it after missing 1 at 42yrds and shooting over his back this bull walked in at 24yrds and I put 1 in the boiler room he ran 10yrds and flipped on his back and it was over.this was the highlight of my bowhunting career.I have shot alot of deer and bears with my bow over 10yrs but never shot a bull moose.
  10. this elk we seen while out antelope hunting http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh246/wtail116/antelopes020.jpg?t=1225215812