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About Parkergirl

  • Birthday 07/06/1990


  • Location
  • Occupation
    I serve ice cream @ the local ice cream shop
  • Interests
    running,fishing and now hunting

Parkergirl's Achievements


4-Pointer (2/7)



  1. Hello Everyone! Sorry i have not been on in awhile,but college, need I say more. lol Well, Sucess!!! During Illinios 3RD SEASON, I went up to my families ground and got myself a gobbler. It was an awesome hunt, he came in struttin and set him self up for the perfect shot. ccwhitey called for me, had him down in less then an hour. On top of that we found 10 lbs of mushrooms!!! Needless to say I was one happy camper.
  2. those finals are rotting your brain. good thing school is almost over. i think we would all agree, after a post like that, that you need a break!!!
  3. ......and all most forgot River Monsters, a must see.
  4. i am a syfy abc's V , star trek.and supernatural. :saber: i also like the lastest show life on discovery channel and also River Monsters.... a must see for anyone who has a soft spot for fishing. a little random but hey it's who i am.
  5. i just toke my little sister last week... no luck though. but my time to hunt is coming up and i can't wait!!!
  6. Happy 21st birthday ccwhitey! Don't have to much fun! :drink::happybday::drink:
  7. we have quite a bit of those around here to. actually me and my dad had a kitten 8 yards from us during shotgun season. they are pretty cute when they are young.
  8. Parkergirl


    my mouth is watering at the thought of backstrapes.
  9. i was wondering if you gals have any pics of you and your deer, turkey, geese anything you have hunted. I am making a web programming class and my final project is women's hunting website and i need pics of women hunters besides me and my sisters. If you do it would really help me out. if you do you can just post then here and i can copy them. the site is due friday. Thanks for your help! parkergirl.
  10. awesome! can't beat the feeling you get when you get your first buck!
  11. the wind woke me up this morning. it is blowing between 25-35 mph and it is 19 degrees feels like 1 degree. BUt the sun is out ,not that it matters. Enjoy your day everyone!
  12. thanks you guys.... i hope everyone elses year is turning out as good as mine has :yes::yes::yes:. good luck you guys and gals!!!
  13. last saturday i went hunting at the family farm in kampsville, il. it was about 9 when this guy walked 30 yards in front of me. purfect shot went no more than 30 yards before he dropped. i was super excited. thought this was a uniquie time i toke the pics he was a little stiff so they decided that they would just stand him up. i thought it looks like i am walking him. lol