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About Grady269

  • Birthday 04/19/1969


  • Location
    Powhatan Virginia

Grady269's Achievements


4-Pointer (2/7)



  1. If dead men could talk many of them would say that a 9mm is a very effective round.
  2. Can we get a chain em' to a tree and shoot em' in the head room?
  3. I bought my son a 20ga Charles Daly youth model and have been pretty happy with it, he has been shooting it since he was 7. The Daly is light and short, patterns very well for what it is. It is way lighter than the Remington 1100. I upgraded him to this from a 410 single shot. I had to go to an auto because his arms are not long enough to work the slide on a pump. He's killed 2 deer and a bunch of rabbits and squirrels with the gun. The only complaint I have with it is that it will not cycle low brass shells. High brass gameloads and buckshot no problem. It's a really nice little gun, I take it rabbit hunting during the week when he has school.
  4. just based on the scopes that I have looked used I would rank them in theis order Zeiss Conquest 3-9 x 40- $400 best low light, but least favorite scope Leupold 3-10 x 40, 40 MM VXIII- $450 not quite as good low light but my favorite scope all around Bushnell ELite 3200- 40MM$199 pretty good all around. Not as crisp as Leupold but darn close and better than VXII by far. NIKON Monarch- 3-12 42MM same as Leupold low light I do have a 50 MM Leupold VXII and it is OK low light but not as good as VX III 40MM. VXII 40MM Leupold sucks low light
  5. I am sure the Springfield is a great pistol, but I do not know a single Police Department that uses them. Most are Sig or Glock. I just don't think you can go wrong with Glock or Sig.
  6. Rabbit season has been really good in Virginia and stays open until the 28th of this month. My Beagles have been really smokn this year. I had a couple of really young dogs last year that have really come into thier own this year. My son is 8 and I don't even take a gun anymore, he handles all the shooting. He likes to deer hunt but he "LOVES" to rabbit and squirrel hunt.
  7. Interesting to me that the .410 which has been for years considered the piss ant of all cartridges is now considered the ultimate manstopper.
  8. I think AA was dead on, the only thing I would add is bullet choice. I went on a hog hunt year before last and they asked me was what kind of bullet I used. They recommended either a Nosler Partition or Barnes Triple Shock (they asked me in advance of the hunt, when I booked). I opted for the Nosler Partition and I took my.257 Roberts on the hunt. Very similar to the 25-06 and was by no means under gunned. The outfit I hunted with really did not care what caliber you brought just recommended you use one of those (2) bullets.
  9. Stack on Low Profile pistol safe, you can get it form Galls $99 it. it comes with a mounting bracket. I have one in my truck.
  10. The new ultra-light 5 shot 38's and a lot of the new 380's Like the Ruger LCP are fairly close in size. Which do you feel is the best for concealed carry and provides more for the size?
  11. Maybe this is the wrong thing to do for some reason I am not sure. I leave the breech plug out of my Encore when I store it. I did the same thing with my Knight Disc Rifle. I coat the inside of the barrel with Break Free CLP and have not had a problem. When I used to store it with the Breech plug in it would rust in the barrel.
  12. I've done both but I have to say I am more of a daytime guy. It takes (2) people to hunt @ night and it is just tough hunting. Daytime works better for me. I have found that February,March, and April are the best months. Mid to late summer are good too.
  13. You will be really happy with your rifle. .17HMR is a dandy little round. It does a lot for it's size.
  14. There is really no wrong answer to your question. I shoot a 22-250 for predator hunting. If did not have the 22-250 I would use whatever rifle was available. Deer Rifle will work fine. Shot one last summer with my Sig 522 he ate up 13 .22cal yellowjackets at 40 yds.
  15. interesting thing about the bigger calibers. 308,30-06, .300 WM, and 300 WSM all are shooting the same 150gr-180 gr bullet just at slightly different velocities. Of the group the .308 and 30-06 are my favorites because they recoil less and under 300 yds there just is not much difference in any of them. If you really want to "jump up" in a .30 cal you need to go to a 300 Ultra-mag or 300 WBY mag.