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92xj last won the day on September 10 2018

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About 92xj

  • Birthday 03/02/1984


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  1. 92xj

    Is this thing on?

    It’s still working for me. miss you girls
  2. 92xj

    Still kicking

    Good work on the rehab. I miss going or having the option to go every day now that it's over and insurance want buy anymore for me. I also had and still have trouble losing weight. I think I am eating and exercising good but the pounds aren't falling off like they would have pre surgery. After researching, google told me beta blockers would make losing weight difficult; luckily I was able to get off of them after 6 months or so. The only meds for me now are 81mg Bayer and my Warfarin. I don't believe either of those hinder weight loss, but it is still difficult for me to do, even after a year since surgery. Thats a bummer about the BP meds. I am so thankful I don't have to take more meds than I do. I would think with the right diet and exercise you could eventually get off the meds if your numbers come down? Keep up the work. You are still in the honeymoon phase of all this. Those next four weeks of rehab you should see and feel significant improvements and healing. Though, don't get your hope up of being 100% anytime soon. I am still not there even after 13 months. The elk mountains kicked my butt this September. I will say I was amazed that I was able to pack out 2 elk during the month, but my cardio/innards held me back some. I thought I would have been able to fly up and down the mountains with all the cardio workout I have done, but that was not the case. What that did was kept my legs from giving up on me; my legs were great this year, but out of breath and needing to take breaks for the pacemaker to adjust to the activity I was doing sucked. But, it's good to be alive and I/we will only get better with time. You got this, it's just a slow process.
  3. That’s awesome that you married a blind girl. sucks you had to deal with the pain of the first though. I don’t want to do that. 2023 let’s meet up in Colorado for deer… congrats on your currently life and happiness
  4. 92xj

    Still kicking

    William, how's everything going? Feeling good? How's the mental health? Having any odd thoughts these days? I know that's personal, but we're all fake people on the made up internet, so it's ok. Hope all is going well. I'm 7 days from my one year anniversary...
  5. 92xj

    Getting Married

    It's a trap!!! Congrats
  6. 92xj

    Still kicking

    Our 5 year old had her echo and is clear. The 3 year old will be scheduled sometime this year. So far, none sound jacked up like me, so I am hoping for the best. And the mentally game is the toughest, luckily I am beating it. I went in knowing when I woke up for surgery the mental game was going to be the hardest, but knowing I was alive when I opened my eyes was a huge mental help.
  7. 92xj


    Yeah, it's brutal. I'm 50 minutes west of walla walla, right now it is 110 at the house. A large fire is brewing with all this tender, I really hope elk season doesn't get screwed up as I missed it last year with surgery and it's killing me to get back in the woods. We are headed to glacier on Thursday for 4 days. Sadly it's going to be stupid hot up there too, but anything below 100 is better than 110-118 we are dealing with here. I'll be sure to honk when we pass you elkoholic.
  8. 92xj

    Still kicking

    Sounds like we had similar valves. Diagnosed at 3 months old and knew this would happen at some point. My aneurysm was a new thing. it developed over the past 1.5 years and was around 5.9-6.0 1 month before surgery. The surgeon and my cardiologist both suggested the mechanical over bio valve. They are claiming they will not have to even think about replacing the mechanical valve for 40-50 years. The bio valve needs replacing every 10-15 years depending on which doc you ask. So, at 36 years old 40-50 before the next repair is nice. Also, the doc/surgeon says they rarely, if ever replace a valve for a 3rd or 4th time. So, my 3rd replacement could be mid 50s-60s for me and I hope to live a little longer than that. We shall see. My only meds now are the 81mg bayer and warfarin. I can live with that for the rest of my life. I just have to be a little more careful when I am 6 miles deep and cutting up elk/bear. Gotta keep those self inflicted wounds down. It would be lame to bleed out because I cut myself. Sounds like your doing great and I wish nothing but the best. Look forward to that cardiac rehab. I enjoyed it as I could watch the screens and see what my heart rate was doing. I was back to work at the 10 week post op mark. Week 4 post op, I was at 15k steps a day and week 6-10, I was taping 25k a day. Once work started, that got in the way of walking and I am now down to 10k min. a day and normally average 15k.
  9. 92xj

    Still kicking

    William, I wish you the best with recovery. The best advice I can give is move, move a lot, and dont be far from your heart pillow when you sneeze or cough. And the reason I can give advice... August 17th, I went in for open heart surgery. Replaced my aorta valve, fixed an aortic aneurysm that was .2cm from bursting. While coring out the valve, there was so much damage they had to use the largest mechanical valve made which cut into the electronics so they had to put in a pacemaker. Not exactly the place I tought I would be at 36 years old. In ICU for 7 days because I initially had an external pacemaker and the docs thought that maybe my heart would fire back up. It didnt, do internal pacemaker went in. Recovery was not horrible, but I have youth on my side which helps a lot, so they say. I treated cardiac rehab as my personal gym and came out every day soaked head to toe in sweat while the others, way older and out of shapeish were there because they had to be. Keep your head up and know it's good to be alive. I remind myself everyday. Also, I HATED metoprolol. I begged my doc to get me off of it, but it was his way of controlling me and keeping me from over doing it. The rehab folks were impressed I was able to get my heart rate up in the 150 range while on it. At the 7 month mark the doctor told me I could stop taking it. Though, I am not sure you will have the option to get off of it, I would suggest asking the doc for a different beta blocker if you have any side affects. Dizzy, depressed, gain weight, etc... Good luck William!
  10. Buckee!!! I'm reminded of you ever single day. The blacktail spike/cow horn skull you sent me when I bought my first house hangs right by the garage door in my latest house, 11 years later. I hope all is well!
  11. Crazy, right? Still here in Wa. Married, two kids, 3 dogs, another new house. Not exactly the old wild and crazy life I used to live but I sure don't regret any of it or how it is now.
  12. That's awesome. Hope that big goon is doing good these days! Hard to believe it's been almost 11 years since I met him on my trip across the country.
  13. Can someone post a link to a thread explaining everything in detail, or a link to the charges that have been placed on him or his real name so the Google can do the work?
  14. 92xj

    Past wyo hunts

    Thanks Shaun, hopefully my message went through. This forum format is horrible to see and navigate on my phone.
  15. 92xj

    Past wyo hunts

    Is Steve still around? I am planning on heading back to Wyoming for antelope this year, taking a friend and brother in law. We will only have <1 pt as a group so we will be in the NE section of the state where public land is very limited. I haven't been to the great state in 10 years when I went with Steve, so I don't have any contacts anymore. Im thinking of trying for the unit his ranch contact was in, but am open to any. We would also entertain paying a treaspass fee if anyone has any recommendations.