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Everything posted by 92xj

  1. Have for a while and will continue to keep you and the family in my thoughts and prayers.
  2. True statement. It's what keeps me around. Just lack of conversations keeps the post numbers from some low.
  3. When people complain and whine about post and tell you they are worthless and stupid, there is no need to post anymore. When you use the lounge to chill out, relax, cut loose and start random threads and are told they are worthless and stupid, there is no need to post anymore. When people take offense to someone you know personally that you are talking about and they for some very odd reason they think that they are that person and cry, there is no need to post anymore. When the people that like to joke and have fun and cut up dont post anymore, there is no need to post anymore.
  4. Whats your meatloaf recipe? Im wanting to make one but trying something a little new. On a side note....I will be in your state next weekend....
  5. 92xj


    217 this morning. Down for 262. Eating great, feeling good. Doing Power 90 6 days a week and spending the 7th chasing turkeys, on the river or trying to find my spring bear. Life is good.
  6. I've called in plenty of turkeys for others. It's fun and all. But sneaking into their bedroom and hammering down was a ton of fun. The work was all the night before sneaking around the woods finding them and then sneaking back out without getting caught. Then sneaking back in in the morning. It was awesome and a huge rush.
  7. Opening day was Sunday. Saturday evening roosted a bird just off the side of a ridge. Sunday morning, crawled up ridge and sat in the middle of an opening 30 yards from the bird in the tree. Shooting time comes, on the dot, bird flies down, lands 12 feet in front of me, instant strut, gobbled once, boom head shot. I was done in 12 seconds opening morning. Didnt touch a call.
  8. 92xj


    Well, today was weigh in for me. Started at 262, right now at 223. I'm sticking to my diet hard core but lacking a lot of excercise. I ordered Power 90 today. So, when that gets here next week, I will start that and not miss a day and see what happens. This time, I am not giving up or going back to my old ways. Its life changing time.
  9. Use what you have. I have caught a 38lbs cat on a 5' ultralight with 4 lbs braided line. A few months ago Salmon fishing on the Columbia I caught a 9.5' sturgeon (300-400lbs) on a 8'6" salmon rod with 12 lbs braided. No need to purchase a salmon specific rod and reel, unless you are willing to give it to me when you leave! Then I will let you know exactly what you want to buy. I have no idea the size or how to catch the salmon over there or when their run is. The steelhead should be having a pretty decent run over there right now. They past us here on the Columbia a month or so ago, so inland Idaho should be picking up soonish, I would think.
  10. Happy dang Birthday old man. Hope the day goes great for you!
  11. Yote. I was out hunting down some railroad tracks. Saw some quail about 110 yards away so I slowly started stalking them. Heard a train coming on fast. They travel around 63mphs on this track so I knew I didnt have much time. The train was loud and the birds were eating. I started to run. I got to within 40 yards of them, train right beside me, threw the gun up on my shoulder, train horn screaming, birds take flight and all of a sudden this yote jumps from the other side of the tracks in front of the train towards the quail. Train hits yote, kills him dead, quail find safety in brush, I pick up yote and skin him out. Not a single scratch, cut or hole on him. Came home with 3 rabbits, a yote, cow skull, 2 ducks and a crazy memory. Not a bad day duck hunting!
  12. 92xj


    Cool deal Corey, I am back on my health kick since duck season ended. Lost 27lbs so far. Want another 32 gone and then to start shaping some. Did you buy the CDs?
  13. It's a mexican cow given to me last year. Not sure of any of its details and not sure I really want to know... I did kill one, a baby, but had nice coloring. I was deer hunting and nailed her at 150 yard in the shoulder, a little farther forward than I wanted and it left a softball size hole in her. I skinned and dried it myself so the hide part turned out bad and is still moist after 3 years. I have it hanging in my carage because it still will leave a damp spot on the wall. I killed it back in South Carolina before moving out here and finding a good taxidermist and having the funds to actually do something with it. If I could go back in time she will be full body mounted with the exit hole side to the wall. Hopefully some day I will get another chance at them. But it won't be in this state.
  14. With only 2 points, I was selected for our Spring bear hunt. Pretty pumped up, but the only problem is I was selected for my 4th choice which is the one unit I have not stepped a foot in. Looks like the next 4 weekends are going to be expensive on fuel cost. Oh well, hope I can get it done and kill my first bear....
  15. 92xj

    Arizona time

    Hope you're having fun Mr. Beilgard!!
  16. Got the red head and pheasant back today. Next purchase will have to be a better camera. This one sucks... Anyhow, here are some pics of them and my den decor..
  17. 92xj

    More home decor....

    They're already vaulted in that room! haha. What I really need is to just complete my dream of buying land in Montana or Wyoming and get to designing and building a new house....with time...and more money.
  18. 92xj

    More home decor....

    Found that guy where I deer and elk hunt. There are more moose there than deer and elk. I have put in for the moose tag for the past 2 years, I need about 20 more before I get a chance at getting drawn. But when/if I do, I have a place I can go to near the house that I can see 5-10 bulls a day and have a chance at a huge one. We had a bull just under 50", a non typical at that, walk 60 yards from the cabin, stare down my feeder, bump it with his nose, then lay down and put his face in my water tank for the deer and drink all 30 gallons. It was awesome to watch. My only problem, besides not having a tag, is the wolves, they are breeding and growing here and the state is letting them. Of course their favorite meal is moose. Sucks.
  19. 92xj

    More home decor....

    Me too. but I think the redhead coming might take it's place. It will be a tough call.
  20. So, this seems to be an on going project with the 'new' house.... Got my antelope mount back from my Wyoming trip with Steve as well as my mule deer that I killed on a DIY hunt in Southern Idaho 5 days after getting back from Wyoming. Got a red head and a pheasant that will be dry next week and hung on the wall for this wall in my den.... I am running out of space....
  21. I am interested! Once you figure a price please let me know...
  22. This is what I shoot. Doesnt have pink in it though. Scott Archery Releases | Caliper Here is a pink one Gander Mountain® > Tru-Fire Edge Hybrid Foldback Bow Release Pink Camo - Hunting > Archery Accessories > Releases :