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Everything posted by 92xj

  1. 92xj

    SnowShoe help!!!

    Yeah, I'm down 15 pounds in the last month and have 15 more to go before I reach my target and goal. I want to be between 210 and 220. I have no desire to me "skinny" and look like a chicken. I wanna be "thick" not fat. Either way, your psi per footprint is still to great for dry, fluffy powder. A 10 lbs kid would still sink to his/her waist.
  2. 92xj

    8 Years

    Congratulations Kyle... LMBO!
  3. 92xj

    SnowShoe help!!!

    I know I do!!! There is already 4 feet of fluffy powder 1.5 hours from me and walking in that stuff with my regular boots lasted all of 20 feet which took about an hour. I need to float instead of sinking.
  4. 92xj

    SnowShoe help!!!

    Those would go good with those Max-1 pants I found you, you little
  5. congrats. Good looking deer! I am jealous.
  6. If you run into any problems with vehicles or anything else in the state of North Carolina, let me know ASAP. I have plenty of connections that will help you out. Mainly in the mountains around Boone but also some in Raleigh which will be an hour or so away from you as well as Charlotte. Do not hesitate, these guys will give up the world to help a friend out. Good luck on the journey! Wish I was back home to hang out. Take lots of pictures for me. I sure do miss it there.
  7. 92xj

    SnowShoe help!!!

    I have now decided I am in the market for some snowshoes. I want to get out and hike as much as possible this winter here in Washington. I have been researching and decided that there are tons of choices out there. Seems like the most common sizes are 20, 25, 30 and some 35" options. 20" seems to be for the light weight person, but cant find too much info on the weight range for the others. Right now I am at 235 but plan to be around the 220 mark by next month. I am thinking the 25's are what I should go with but I have no real idea. Never needed any back south where I am from. Pro's and Con's of certain shoes? What should I look for and also look out for?
  8. Mine is just like this. Graduated in December of 07. During school I saved up around 10k and the day I graduated I walked in and paid that 10k to my student loan. Now I have $5230 left to pay off for the next ten years with a min of $69 a month. I pay 200 everymonth on it and am saving to pay it all off by summer or fall of 2010.
  9. I caught my biggest cat fish to date with a bar of Irish Springs. I recommend that option, it seems to do everything, why not keep deer out of an area.
  10. 92xj

    Online Shopping

    jackets - http://www.google.com/products?q=advantage+Max-1+jacket&hl=en&aq=f Is this helping at all? I am about done shopping for you. What are you going to get me as a gift?
  11. 92xj

    Online Shopping

    face mask - http://www.google.com/products?hl=en&q=advantage+Max-1+face+mask&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=1tYES7HYDInOsQOZ64TPCg&sa=X&oi=product_result_group&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBgQrQQwAA
  12. 92xj

    Online Shopping

    hey, at least one of the links on the pants was good!
  13. 92xj

    Online Shopping

    jacket - http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/links/link.jsp?id=0026486932271a&type=product&cmCat=froogle&cm_ven=data_feed&cm_cat=froogle&cm_pla=0520210&cm_ite=0026486932271a gloves - http://www.google.com/products?hl=en&q=advantage+Max-1+gloves&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=ldYES5SvM5TYsgO6_dnPCg&sa=X&oi=product_result_group&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBgQrQQwAA
  14. 92xj

    Online Shopping

    Check links above
  15. 92xj

    Online Shopping

    ok, well narrow the list down to the ones you can not find.
  16. 92xj

    Online Shopping

    Post exactly what you want. I will find it........maybe
  17. Still thinking and praying about you Chris! Keep that head up and keep the progress up!
  18. I have been spying on them for the last 5 days, come Saturday the call will be talking!!!
  19. that took about 14 seconds. So if 14 seconds is way too much time on my hands, then yes I do. I found this sweet new website that has all sorts of pictures on it. You should check it out sometime. Here is the address. www.google.com
  20. 92xj

    RealTree is my home

    realtree is my hunting forum i have others for wheelin which are a lot more "open" than here. All have their pros and cons. RealTree is the one that I have met the most "friends" on.