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Everything posted by 92xj

  1. yeah I have talked with him. Well, texted with him, I am not the phone talker.:clown: He is good, working the dogs in the field.
  2. 92xj

    wish me luck

    Goodluck! Morning will be here a lot sooner for me than it will for you.:clown: Can't wait for the pics!!!
  3. Buckee, whenever you want my address let me know. She will be kicking you out soon. I have one heck of a couch not to far from you.
  4. How many songs will it hold? Will it hold anything besides songs? I am way behind the times in this whole ipod technology crap. I just burned my first cd ever last month.:clown:
  5. You have been using a forum for how long? I kid, I kid
  6. I have in the past. Didn't get a chance to bow hunt this year, thats the only reason I didnt use them again. I dont know if you can jusitfy the price if someone is broke. I killed 3 deer with them and missed 1. It was pretty sweet seeing exactly where my arrow went. The coolest encounter I had with them was; this doe walked into 15 yards, totally pulled the shot high and missed. Was able to clearly pick up the arrow in flight and see it go right over her. She ran out of the woods and into a field then stopped at 52 yards. I placed my 50 yard pin on her and smoked her. It was awesome watching the flight with the nock dissappear in her at that distance. When I hunt again I will use them if legal out here in this state. Haven't checked laws on them yet out here.
  7. Had a guy ask me at work which is the best state to hunt in. I gave him this thread to show him the pics. He was on his way over there this weekend to purchase around 3k arces of yall's prime hunting land. He said thanks.
  8. 32 special, top eject, side mount scope. Killed my first deer with it sitting with my dad at age 5. 3 months later got my first bb gun. Benjamin pump style
  9. Ever been here? http://sites.younglife.org/camps/Saranac/default.aspx
  10. Don't know if we would be able to stop laughing long enough to hunt.:clown:
  11. Are there pictures posted? I am at work and dont know if my work is filtering pictures here or not. If not, can I get some pics. Might be will to throw you an offer.
  12. Fixed. Either way, i bet we would have one **** of a time.
  13. Orlan FTW Randy Mike Kyle Kyle#2 Chris Casey Will Steve and Steve Russell and the list keeps going.... It would be a lot easier to list the ones I wouldnt want to hunt with.
  14. 92xj

    Harmless fun

    Work internet crashes, sucks for you. My wish has been granted by the previous post. :clown:
  15. Yeah, the tool is named Delete.
  16. 92xj

    Redneck pickup

    I laughed at the pharmacy name.
  17. 92xj

    little help

    You must have lots and lots of money:clown:
  18. 92xj

    little help

    Cool deal, glad you got the pics to work BTW nice catch with "The Boss":jaw:
  19. 92xj

    little help

    recognize this pic? So, did you figure out how to post pictures yet?