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Everything posted by 92xj

  1. For the folks who have flown with rifles and shotguns, What is the proper way to do this? For Christmas I will be flying back home to South Carolina and am planning on getting into my woodduck honey hole two mornings and going to the hunt club to sit in my tree stand at least once. I will be flying with my 12ga and my 270. How do I go about doing this? I know I should call the airlines and see what they say but I figure some people here do it fairly often so personal experience and tips would be great. Is there any insurance you can get on the guns during travel? I would be serverely pissed if something happens to the guns and they do not show up like what happens with bags sometimes. Anyhow, learn me the ropes of flying with guns.
  2. Appalachian State University Grad. Business Management was my major. Had 10 hours to go before graduation and I decided that business management was not for me. So I swtiched majors to Industrial Drafting and Design. It set me back two years and about $20,000 but I went from making straight C's and skipping class to making straight A's and spending the night in my design studio because I was having so much fun and didnt want to go home. If you are not happy or feel that you wont to change DO IT!!!! With the career I have now as a Nuclear Designer I could not imagine working in Business. I spent 6.5 years in undergrad, :clown: Dont get me wrong, I started college off not for the schooling but for the experience and lived a very wild and crazy life up until I changed majors and got into something that I had a desire to do. I still had fun and did the college life thing as well but no matter what I was in class the next morning at 8am because I wanted to be there. If you want to talk about more of this college thing and have questions, PM me. I had fun in school, did a major that I hated, had half a semester to go before I was done with school forever and then changed which set me back 2.5 years. Do I regret not finishing in 4, Heck no!! Would I do it the same way if I could go back, Heck yeah!!! It was one heck of a learning experience that I will have with me for the rest of my life. Goodluck and follow your heart and gut, Dont worry about what other people expect of you. I went to college because it was the next step, not because I wanted. But once I was there and found something that I wanted to do, it was on! not proof reading that, sorry for spelling mistakes if any:clown: I hated that part of college, proof reading
  3. Eye wood totaly bee down for a roast, sum folks mite take ofense to some stuf and get all hert, butt I cood sea it beeing really phun with a selected feu.
  4. when's the baby due? congrats:clap:
  5. Kinda of both. It was also going on during the time I was moving across the country so I could not have stayed on top of it like it needed. Someone else is more than welcome to try and bring it back!!!
  6. I will always be here, Dog the bounty Hunter:fish:
  7. *walks in, doesnt see Hunt or be Hunted, walks out*
  8. Now there is a difference between a Nickname and a Screen Name. I am assuming most people's nicknames are different than their screen name. Of course you give yourself your own screen name, but a true nickname is only given by the finest of friends and or family members and if you dont like then tough poo. Everybody back home calls me Kool-Aid and all the folks I have met here in Washington call me Farve. There is no way I would have ever given myself either of those if I had a choice. *Cant find the Dying laughing smiley guy that I need to insert here*
  9. Thats not how its done :nono: Thank you for being a true man :clap:
  10. So one auction for everything, correct? I will start the bidding at $35
  11. Is this an auction for each item or are they all included in one?
  12. So, you gave yourself your own nickname? Thats not how those things work:hammer1:
  13. hahaha the bitterness is still effecting you......:serenade:
  14. This thread is not dead yet? When I am on a forum I am entitled to my opinion but I am NOT entitled to post all of them.
  15. I agree with Alisha....... I hope she becomes manager of the store and bans you forever.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osTrMe76kes&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Epirate4x4%2Ecom%2Fforum%2Fshowthread%2Ephp%3Ft%3D807608&feature=player_embedded
  17. killed 7 in the first three weeks of season. Nope, dont mind doing it.
  18. on the way from Washington
  19. Caught my biggest down in SC using a half bar of Irish Springs soap. 63lbs. Second biggest, 48lbs on a brim. and cant go wrong with a worm.
  20. 92xj

    Will You?

    on the way from the NW