Appalachian State University Grad.
Business Management was my major.
Had 10 hours to go before graduation and I decided that business management was not for me. So I swtiched majors to Industrial Drafting and Design. It set me back two years and about $20,000 but I went from making straight C's and skipping class to making straight A's and spending the night in my design studio because I was having so much fun and didnt want to go home. If you are not happy or feel that you wont to change DO IT!!!! With the career I have now as a Nuclear Designer I could not imagine working in Business.
I spent 6.5 years in undergrad, :clown:
Dont get me wrong, I started college off not for the schooling but for the experience and lived a very wild and crazy life up until I changed majors and got into something that I had a desire to do. I still had fun and did the college life thing as well but no matter what I was in class the next morning at 8am because I wanted to be there.
If you want to talk about more of this college thing and have questions, PM me. I had fun in school, did a major that I hated, had half a semester to go before I was done with school forever and then changed which set me back 2.5 years. Do I regret not finishing in 4, Heck no!! Would I do it the same way if I could go back, Heck yeah!!! It was one heck of a learning experience that I will have with me for the rest of my life.
Goodluck and follow your heart and gut, Dont worry about what other people expect of you. I went to college because it was the next step, not because I wanted. But once I was there and found something that I wanted to do, it was on!
not proof reading that, sorry for spelling mistakes if any:clown:
I hated that part of college, proof reading