if you are hearing them howl at night, get out there 45 minutes before dark and howl, at first kinda quite but get louder and louder til one howls back, if nothing howls back I would not sit there wasting my time in that set. I have switched over from using distress calls to only howls and if I can not get one to howl back or come in on me within 20 minutes, they are not going to come in. Howling seems to be the trick for where I am. Also I have watched all of Randy Anderson's DVDs. He does a lot of howling. If you have not seen his videos, go pick one up, there is a lot of good tips throughout the video. The biggest thing is, dont waste your time in one place for too long. If you have been at a set for 45 minutes and have been howling and using distress calls and they have not come in yet, there not going to come in. Move around a lot and try new and different things. The best thing I have found is to lay in the middle of a field with a wood line around 150 yards in front of me with some sort of bottom to it. This seems to be the best set up for me. Anyhow, go get a video and watch Randy Anderson and get out there and keep trying. Move move move and learn all the different howls.