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Everything posted by 92xj

  1. i'm in!!! doc, thanks for the talk tonight about the doggie!
  2. ive got one fox as well and a coon but no cats or yotes
  3. I would continue to use what you have for a little while and try and get around the $1000 mark for a good gun and scope.... i would do something like this for starting out and average range shooting....this gun.... http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.asp?Item=125672846#PIC .....and this scope.... http://www.swfa.com/pc-3449-89-leupold-4-12x40-vx-i-riflescope.aspx those two would cost you right at 900 bucks shipped to your door. and will work great for you. I would feel confortable shooting that set up out to 500 yards if I shot it a lot and got the practice in....anyhow, hope this is helping. Also what is you gun brand of choice? as well as scope? so I can continue to look for something that you would really want and do some research with you. this is fun for me!!!
  4. I would get the Hot Dog and KiYi and you should be set.... those are really the only two I take with me 95% of the time
  5. 92xj

    thread tools

    just me, thats all, guess i should have said average Ben, my bad:D i bet everyone has:D
  6. will do, it might actually be sometime at the end of April, fyi, but i will let you know. I am in charleston and Georgetown a lot, even though thats a little ways of a drive north for you. Georgetown is where all my family is from. I am down there a lot, and in hilton head 3 or 4 times a year.
  7. hilton head!!! i knew it, been there a ton of times, fun times to be had down there
  8. that hotel looks very familiar, where was that? I got a wild bug saturday afternoon and drove from Columbia to Wilmington on my way to Raleigh. Rain was crazy satuday with tornados in the area, but waking up sunday morning made being down there awesome.
  9. 92xj

    thread tools

    anybody else besides the "special" people that have more tools than the average Joe:D
  10. Man I have been looking around all weekend and cant really find anything good enough that I would get or would recommend to get. Is your budget still around the $500 mark? What are you taking out with you now when you hunt? Willing to not buy right now to save up a little more, or want to purchase something soon? money burning a hole in your pocket:D
  11. 92xj

    thread tools

    do yall use any thread tools on each thread? the only thing I really use is "subscribe" too a thread. thats a pretty cool function that I have just started using in the past month or so...
  12. i can not tell the difference between my FT and my muzzy three blade fixed heads.....
  13. well then someone that was tied for first meow.....
  14. sweet, after the past couple of days I have moved from second to last (thanks Will for takin last for me) to 5th place in the RT bracket. I also remember someone bragging about being first a little while ago and now 16th:confused::D:D:D anyhow, after looking at everyones bracket on there I do not think the places will change anymore so thats is how we will all end up. I still hate Bball but it was fun doing this with yall....
  15. When I move sets, I will move from a half a mile away to sometimes 5 miles. Whatever you think will be enough distance to find new yotes that could not hear the first set. I use the Hot Dog, KiYi, little dog and the Raspy Coaxer.... http://www.cabelas.com/hprod-1/0013582.shtml i will start with a Invitation howl, then after a while go to a female interrogation or a challenge howl. The videos will show how and what they sound like, or go to youtube and search sounds for coyotes. anyhow hope all this is helping
  16. cool deal kyle and Chris!!! pics of ranch and stand?
  17. if you are hearing them howl at night, get out there 45 minutes before dark and howl, at first kinda quite but get louder and louder til one howls back, if nothing howls back I would not sit there wasting my time in that set. I have switched over from using distress calls to only howls and if I can not get one to howl back or come in on me within 20 minutes, they are not going to come in. Howling seems to be the trick for where I am. Also I have watched all of Randy Anderson's DVDs. He does a lot of howling. If you have not seen his videos, go pick one up, there is a lot of good tips throughout the video. The biggest thing is, dont waste your time in one place for too long. If you have been at a set for 45 minutes and have been howling and using distress calls and they have not come in yet, there not going to come in. Move around a lot and try new and different things. The best thing I have found is to lay in the middle of a field with a wood line around 150 yards in front of me with some sort of bottom to it. This seems to be the best set up for me. Anyhow, go get a video and watch Randy Anderson and get out there and keep trying. Move move move and learn all the different howls.
  18. 1.03 post a day, i dont know what else to say, happy anniversary maybe:confused:
  19. oh, haha, I have no idea who the answer is, so dont expect one from me, just a little funny for the evening, that is all
  20. in the second pic, had the hill behind you burned?
  21. if that bow doesnt work out for you, i will sell you my bow from last year already set up, case and everything but my release:D PM me for details if you want....