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Everything posted by 92xj

  1. From Tim, "Hope I dont regret what I just did; passed on a 145 plus 10 point at 90 yards, holding out for bigger one that has been showing that is 160 plus."
  2. 92xj

    Prayers please

    on the way from washington....
  3. I would say you wouldnt need mods to give you permission, its totally up to you. If you want to, let sure thing! And you should give it to the first buck posted for the team!
  4. Good luck this weekend girls. Anyone going to put points up this weekend?
  5. I'm ready. Will be in the duck blind Saturday and Sunday morning, but it looks like your hunting starts on Monday, so I will be at the computer ready to update as needed. I do head out for elk camp Thursday night but you will be done by then and headed home. Send away buddy! Good luck.
  6. I concur, I just said "Canadians" since you stated "US hunters". Thank you for having a little bit of humor and not running the wrong direction with that comment. :cool2:
  7. 92xj

    A Year of first

    Not sure why his rack looks nothing like a mule deer. Very weird since the area I was hunting has zero whitetails that anyone knows of. The closest one is roughly 150-200 miles away. Stopped by an old mans house to show him and he has hunted the area for 50+ years and has never seen a whitetail in all his time. Oh well, doesnt matter to me. It will be a good conversation piece on the wall!
  8. Your Canadian writers sure do paint a bad picture for every duck hunter with that article. According to them I bet every single waterfowl hunter out there should be fined and lose their right to hunt in Canada. I dont know a single person that doesnt refer to a duck, at some point during a season, as Mr or Mrs. Mallard, teal, woody or whatever. Also "talking to them, hitting them and wrenching their necks" thats what you do. thats hunting. Pretty lame article and could have been written a **** of a lot better.
  9. 92xj


    Will you please bring back the head with you and give it to me?
  10. 92xj


    I'm ready! I will be in my boat killing ducks Saturday and Sunday morning but should be off the water and around the house and computer by 9am each morning. I am headed out next Thursday for 3 days of elk hunting but hopefully by then you will have your deer and be headed home. Send text and pics as you please and I will get them uploaded asap. Goodluck buddy!
  11. I'm not sure what was going on. I had just given the camera to a 12 year old girl and was walking back up to the deer and picking it up when I heard the camera go off. To say the least, I was not ready, haha.
  12. Muley 8pt 230 lbs 25" spread My biggest deer ever, weight and antler size.
  13. 92xj Team 8 - The Clique 8pt First pic to show all 8 pts clearly, second with me and third the tag.
  14. Last week, I got my first antelope in Wyoming which was also my first big game animal out west. This week, I got my first deer out west which was also my first Mule deer, heaviest deer and largest antlers on any deer I have taken. I was invited to hunt some public land in South Central Idaho for Mule deers with a guy that has been hunting the lands for 15 years. Wide open desert country with 10 other guys out there driving around and walk everywhere. I honestly didnt think we would see anything. After the first day and only seeing a few does and tiny baby deer I really didnt think I would get a chance at anything big and was now just looking to fill the freezer. The second morning the guys daughter wanted to go and try for her first deer ever, so I said heck yeah, my hunt is now on the back burner and I am on a mission to get this girl her first deer. She had a doe tag and was ready to go. We get to the hunting land, get set up and spot three does at 500 yards. Put them to bed in a creek and have a truck drive between us and the deer, one runs and the other two stay put. Truck leaves. Time to make a move! I get down to the creek, put her on the hill 50 yards back and start walking the creek, jump the doe....BOOM.....miss.......BOOM....miss. Doe jumps back in the creek. I run after it bump it again, more shots and misses. Finally after about the 8 time of doing this, a buck jumps up 12 yards in front of me, I find brown in the scope and BOOM, complete silence. Take one step and look down and I killed my biggest deer ever. 230lbs Mule deer with a whitetail rack. 25" outside spread.... He's going on the wall.....
  15. 92xj

    Deer meat help...

    The meat is frozen solid. Not sure what he will have done with it. Most likely ground up and maybe a roast or two. So, I will just have him keep it frozen for another week or two in the trash bags then take it to the processor to do whatever he wants to with it. Thanks gents.
  16. Ha! You will be getting some as well, dont you worry! So far, I've only got the two oldest farts on the forums to reply and only one of them is half Alaskan that hasnt been home in months! Come on you Northerners.
  17. That is amazing!! Awesome job Avery. I've been waiting for this post and looking forward to it after last years! Good job buddy!
  18. 92xj

    Deer meat help...

    One of my good friends here in Washington killed a deer 2 weeks ago. gutted, skinned and quartered the meat. Cleaned it off and placed each quarter in trash bags and threw them in the freezer. They have been frozen solid in those bags for 2 weeks now and he plans to take it to the processor after next weekend when his dad plans to kill a deer and just take both deer at the same time. Will the meet that is frozen in the trash bags still be good or should he pull them out asap and keep them frozen another way till he can get to the processor. I told him to thaw them out and let me debone them and then take them to the processor, but wanted to ask before we did that. So, I guess my question is will each quarter, that is in its own trash bag, be good for 3 weeks being frozen solid in those bags till he gets them to the processor?
  19. Yes Sir, murder lots of them! The goal for the year is 150. I'm going to ship you some after season and change your opinion about the taste....
  20. Whats the weather doing this week? Cold front, high winds, snow, ice, etc...? I see a little on the weather channel but curious about actual land reports. I need it to hit 40 degrees for a high for a couple of days, happening yet?
  21. William, Yes water will be noticeable on the dipstick, it will look like chocolate milk with air bubbles in it and the level will be a lot higher than normal. Also, call the mechanic first and ask how much he will charge to pressure check the cooling system. Its an easy thing to do with very little labor time but some people like to charge 60 bucks to do it. When I would do them at our shop, we would do them for free but some charge. If he charges, go get the pressure tester from a parts store for 50 bucks and do it yourself.
  22. Money talks, you can buy my spot on my team, it's for sale for the right price.
  23. My spot on my team can be purchased....
  24. I have a number for him if you would like to contact him.