Last week, I got my first antelope in Wyoming which was also my first big game animal out west. This week, I got my first deer out west which was also my first Mule deer, heaviest deer and largest antlers on any deer I have taken.
I was invited to hunt some public land in South Central Idaho for Mule deers with a guy that has been hunting the lands for 15 years. Wide open desert country with 10 other guys out there driving around and walk everywhere. I honestly didnt think we would see anything. After the first day and only seeing a few does and tiny baby deer I really didnt think I would get a chance at anything big and was now just looking to fill the freezer. The second morning the guys daughter wanted to go and try for her first deer ever, so I said heck yeah, my hunt is now on the back burner and I am on a mission to get this girl her first deer. She had a doe tag and was ready to go.
We get to the hunting land, get set up and spot three does at 500 yards. Put them to bed in a creek and have a truck drive between us and the deer, one runs and the other two stay put. Truck leaves. Time to make a move!
I get down to the creek, put her on the hill 50 yards back and start walking the creek, jump the doe....BOOM.....miss.......BOOM....miss. Doe jumps back in the creek. I run after it bump it again, more shots and misses. Finally after about the 8 time of doing this, a buck jumps up 12 yards in front of me, I find brown in the scope and BOOM, complete silence. Take one step and look down and I killed my biggest deer ever.
230lbs Mule deer with a whitetail rack. 25" outside spread....
He's going on the wall.....