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Everything posted by 92xj
mid 130s, I would guess.
Congrats Tony! Big moves are scary, but can be very well worth it in the end. Do not shy away from the fear of the unknown about a place to live. Good luck with your choices in the end and good luck with the new job!
That deer would have died.
Will it do everything that I need it to do in the post above and do it all on a satellite photo? or is a greay screen with topo lines and thats all you can see?
This is going to be used for more than hunting so thats why I did not place it in the hunting equipment room. I am in the market for a GPS. This is exactly what I want. Nothing more, nothing less. I want to be able to park my truck, turn on GPS, hit a 'track me' button of some sort and walk off into the woods 10 miles. Then camp the night and walk back the line that the GPS tracked from the day before. I also want to mark certain points on a map and follow a little arrow that moves when I move to those points. And last, but not least, I want this all to be shown on an actual satellite photo of the location I am in and not on a grey background. I want to see the picture like you would see on Google/Bing Maps. I dont really care about any other features. Dont need a camera in it or a two way walkie talkie. I also want to be able to track routes while in a boat and want to see my route as a line in the water on a satellite photo. Anybody have anything like this? Recommendations?
Congrats Kyle. Dont worry about Jen, I will be there Monday. Everything is in good hands.
The electric motor was the best part!
I dont really see the people complainging making an effort to change things. I know if I come across something I dont like or I feel is wrong, I make any and all effort I can to change it. I have heard a few comments of people not enjoying the fact that other members read their threads but do not post responses in it. To me, thats kinda a sad thing to complain about, but I am trying to make an effort to respond in threads that I have an opinion about so people dont get their little ol' feelings hurt because people arent responding to their threads. There has also been mention of bashing or being a 'flammer'. I personally have not really seen any of this, or if I have its been so small that I dont consider it bashing or flaming. I dont get how some grown people act the way they do around here, but that's their problem, not mine. I enjoy these forums and will continue to enjoy them. I post my opinions, read other's opinions and go about my day. I don't let jack get to me from what people say on here and surely dont ponder it once I'm off the forums. Bottom line, If they dont like it and not willing to make an effort to change something, leave. I'll be darned if I stay some place I dont like if I'm not even going to put in the slightest effort to try and change something. It's time to put on our big boy/girl panties, take a step in the right direction, make a change that we see fit and have fun in here. Its really not that hard to have fun, enjoy each other, tell tales, share stories and live a little bit.
First, I'm not the one to cross post threads to get more traffic to them. But, I think this story might open the eyes to some fishermen and could help them out if the unthinkable happens. Take a look and picture yourself fishing instead of hunting and think about how you would have reacted and if you have a game plan to survive. http://www.realtree.com/forums/showthread.php?t=103898
It would be cool if we had that many people that would participate in a thread!
I am thinking about a dog, but right now money is tight so that is not an option. I will get one at some point but for now, me fetching my own birds is not a problem. When I cant reach them, which is very few, I have on heck of a cast and have snagged them all with my fishing pole. But a dog and a boat is in the works, hopefully.
The baby spinach is a good thought, but I have been eating that for months now and got burned out on it, thats why I am with lettuce. But, I believe this next week I am going to go back to the spinach and deal with being tired of it. The lettuce this week lasted 3 whole days in its container inside a ziplock bag, lame.
That blizzard was crazy! I am just glad we were in a heat wave last weekend. If this would have happened the week of Thanksgiving, I believe the outcome would have been a little bit different. That we I went out hunting it was -6 degrees when we got out to our spot and only got to a high of 0. The water was freezing faster than we could keep it open and once out of the water, it froze our waders instantly. Here are pics from that day. I thank God I did not go under then.
Ah...yes, that would help. It sure would help a lot more than a teddy bear. :clown:
It is addictive and fun and this accident will not keep me off the waters. It has made me aware of what my body will do and gave me more knowledge than I had before of what to do incase the unthinkable happens. I dont think its a matter of "if" but "when". Just be prepared, scope out your surroundings every time you are out there and have a game plan if something does happen. When I go out with a partner, we always go through a worst case scenario and only one of us retreives birds at a time. In a case like this, there is no point in having two out there flopping around. You will have to save yourself, period.
PSA = Public Service Announcemnt. Here is a little story that happened to me this past weekend while duck hunting. I do not have a boat nor a dog, so I retrieve all my own birds by walking in the water in waders. I hunt the bank of the mighty Columbia river and have a water depth of 1-2' for 150 yards out then it drops off to anywhere from 5-100'. On Sunday, I dropped two widgeon from a group and went after them, both dead and not crippled. I was able to reach the first bird. As I was walking slowly for the second one, I found the drop off. Luckily for me the guy hunting down from me had a dog and asked if I wanted it. I shouted sure as I was walking back to the dog. Once the dog started to come, I shot so he was able to see the splash and get the duck for me. I walked back to as close to the drop off as I could to get as close to the bird as possible. When I had about 10 feet to go, I stepped off the ledge. I went under, head and all. The water is 34 degrees and it instantly took the breath away from me. I have never done this before but luckily I was able to save my own life. The first thing I did was kick as hard as possible. I knew I had to get my head up and get one last breath in order to find my way back to the ledge. I was able to get air with one strong kick and then it was game on to get to the bottom and walk my way out. I felt the waders fill as fast as you putting a bucket under water. Within a second or two they were completely full and I gained about 100 pounds. What saved me was my ability to not panic. I had a clear head and knew the danger I was in. After a few seconds I found the ledge and was able to get my feet under me, gun in hand, and stand up and take a good long breath of fresh air. By this time the dog had my bird and was swimming around me waiting for me to take it. The guy was coming as fast as he could to help me, but he was nowhere close to help. I was all alone. I slowly walked back to the shore and immediately took my waders off and emptied the water. At this point I had two options, stay or get in the truck and get warm. I opted to stay and hunt and the only reason I did this was for some odd reason we are having a warm spell right now. The air temp was high 40s and I was able to put on some dry clothes which got wet but not soaking when I put my waders back on. I was able to finish the hunt and head home without an issue. The thing that saved my life was keeping cool. I have played this scene out in my head for the past 5 years knowing it was going to happen at some point. You have to breath, you have to keep your cool and do not panic! The water will take your breath away, focus at this point and get another deep breathe as soon as you can. Once you do, calm down, let teh water do what its going to do and do not fight it. You will be able to save yourself with a cool head. If the temps were normal the outcome might have been different but I was lucky to do this on a warm day even though the water was as cold. Stay calm, dont panic, take in air, get out of the water, get out of your wet clothes and get warm. Hopefully this will help someone and I will be glad to answer any questions you guys might have. It was quite the experience and something I will never forget. I am just glad that I was as prepared as I could have been.
I enjoy reading hunting stories, BUT the thing that would make them better would be more pictures. Pictures from in the stand, like Tim sent me during the live hunts. Its awesome to see what the hunter sees as he sit on stand. It doesn't matter to me to see deer in the landscape pictures. It just nice to see the different terrain and landscape that the hunters are hunting in.
Any way to mix the raindrop with the wolf tooth? If not, I have no idea which one I would pick, I think they are all awesome.
I have no idea, but that is a freakin' stud of an 8 with a split brow. Thats about my dream whitetail, IF he would hit the 170" mark.
Haha, that's awesome. I think stuff like that, things the average hunter does, makes for a good show.
Hmm...You learn something new everyday. Now, Stella tells me to keep lettuce in a bag where it can breathe. In a vacuum bag, there will be no breathing going on. Which one would be the better option?
Stella's crazy! Thanks Mike. I will be sure and try this the next time I purchase a head. Thanks! Hmmm...Sounds like a good diet plan! Anything that last longer, I am willing to try. I shall find some this weekend and try it next week. This could work, but I would hate to waste the vacuum bags for a day to 7 days for some lettuce. Could get expensive. But good idea, that I might just try. They plant and grow everything other thing in the world out here, I am sure there is lettuce out here somewhere and it was to grow. I thought farming was huge in the South and Mid west. I haven't seen anything back there that compares to the farming out here. I guess "the big flood" enriched this soil like crazy. I might just try and grow some to see what happens.
Happy Birthday you huge oger! Hope the day is good for you.