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Everything posted by csualumni21000
At my basic training we had over 300 women ages 21-50+ of all body types but very overweight and every single one could take apart and work a 92 after instruction.My 65 year old mother can work an auto.I have never seen a woman not be able to work a semi after instruction. I do not like it when men say women should carry a certain firearm because of their sex alone. A revolver is more likely to have problems in a women's purse than most semis. The revolver has more open spaces for crap to get in and stop moving parts. A small revolver sucks to shoot. If the woman cannot rack the slide then she should go revolver but that is not the issue here. The origional post stated recoil to be the only problem. Take a woman into a gun store and the usual gun store commando will recommend a lightweight revolver that kicks like heck and has a pink grip.
Yes. Your lack of explanation of something you reference says much about you.
Explain your first hand experience. This topic seems outside of your lane.
Strut are you a firearms trainer, leo or mil? What is your back ground for your recommendation?
Handgun Designs November 13, 2009 By: Jeff Mau Often times I hear people say that you should select a gun that “feels the best to you. Go to the range and shoot a bunch of guns and buy the one you like.” This is lousy advice, and often results in new shooters making poor purchases. Again equipment should be selected based on the criteria for YOUR mission (private citizen, concealed carry, LE duty, military, etc) and then evaluated based on your tactics and skills. If you have no tactics and skills then you have no reference point to make an informed decision. If your tactics and skills suck, then your equipment selection will likely suck. Body shape and size are factors for weapon selection. The biggest variation is hand size. For smaller handed shooters, single stack magazine feed handguns can be an advantage. Realistically, however, most anyone can learn to shoot any gun well. Don’t get caught up in the subjective feel of the gun. One of the most important criteria for selecting a firearm for self defense is reliability. The gun needs to go bang every time. For defensive purposes, guns should only be considered if the platform has seen years of use and millions of rounds down range. I have no interest in being a guinea pig. The latest gun design might be cool to own, but it has no business out on the street until someone else has verified it with a very large sample and lots of rounds. This generally restricts our selection to guns that have been issued to large government organizations. Additionally, firearms that deviate from their original manufacture design should be avoided. The biggest problem area is when manufacturers change the cartridge without redesigning the entire platform. For example, Glock originally designed the small frame size only for 9mm. With American law enforcement moving to .40 S&W as a duty round, Glock introduced the smaller frame size in .40 S&W. The result is a high pressure cartridge being fired out of a gun designed for the lower pressure 9mm. Additionally, to accommodate the larger cartridge, the slide, barrel, and chamber mass was reduced. The result is a less reliable weapon system, more parts breakage, and a shorter life cycle. There are very few handgun weapon systems originally designed around something other than 9mm or .45 ACP cartridges. And even fewer that have seen extended use by large organizations. Some of the platforms to consider (all in 9mm) are: Glock 17, Glock 19, Glock 34, Beretta 92FS, Sig 226, Sig228, Sig229, Browning Hi-Power, most of the H&K handguns, and the S&W M&P9 There are probably more, and I am sure I left your favorite gun off the above list. However, in our cumulative experience seeing hundreds of guns every year with hundreds of thousands of rounds down range every year, these are the guns we see with the least problems. Along with reliability, the ability to deliver fast accurate hits to your target is crucial to surviving a violent confrontation. With experienced skilled shooters and novice shooters alike, we see students shoot faster and more accurate with 9mm than any other defensive cartridge. It is quite common for a student to come to class with a .40 caliber Glock, during the course they borrow a Glock 19 and quickly learn the error in their ways. The .40 caliber Glock gets sold shortly thereafter and replaced with a Glock 19.
The reasoning behind not recommending a semi auto to a woman is stupid. If the woman can drive a car she is probably smart enough to be taught how to use a semi auto.If she is not able to figure out how to run a semi she probably should not have a gun. Snapper what problems have you encountered with women and semi autos?
nothing this year
You wont go wrong with either. Apples to apples.
Get a complete upper otherwise headspace will be an issue.
Try a glock 26. The small frame revolver kick alot. My wife can shoot a 26 all day long. When shooting at the range have her wear plugs and muffs. Have her attend a good fighting pistol class. Check out Tactical response. Their forum has a ladies section my wife is on. http://getoffthex.com/eve/forums
Buy it and trade it in on what you want. 338 will take anything in this hemisphere it will get expensive to shoot.
Going next week
Learning Lessons For Life In Football
csualumni21000 replied to AceArcher's topic in NASCAR and Sports
Tom Brokaw a real great american. -
Learning Lessons For Life In Football
csualumni21000 replied to AceArcher's topic in NASCAR and Sports
Do you think if you do not play football you do not get those life lessons? If not where do you get them. It is a game. You speak of heroes and hard work for a game? Heroes are found defending our nation not score points in a game. -
.270wsm vs .308 norma mag vs .280
csualumni21000 replied to rwatson911's topic in Rifles & Accessories
Where and what will you be hunting? -
.270wsm vs .308 norma mag vs .280
csualumni21000 replied to rwatson911's topic in Rifles & Accessories
If you get what each gun likes you will not out shoot the gun's accuracy. US optics or Leup -
Tighten all bolts. Stock could be loose.
Negligent not accidental.
Who makes up the white race is my question. Johnf, your definition is Anglo-Saxon?
I chose Portugal because it is in Europe and most folks would have to think about it before they spoke. I ignore all race questions unless they are medical. Some illnesses are more common in some races, but if really look at it what is considered white is so heterogeneous that it is of little value to a doc. But if you are more specific then it can really play a part in treatments and diagnosis. I have been discriminated against and hate racism. I think Rush Limbaugh was a victim of discrimination. I think being "White and proud" is not going to help the situation. What is racist a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others. 2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination. 3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.
I would like to know what being "White and proud" means? White has no heritage to point to. Being proud of you Japanese or Irish heritage can have it's positives. I can show you what Irish culture consist of but White has no culture to point to. If you folks can define what White heritage there is then I could understand what you are proud of. If people divide themselves based on skin color then division is all we will ever have. I would define myself as American. It is my country of origin and what my culture is based on.
I am a Christian, Soldier and an American. I think it is just plain stupid to define ones self by the color of his or her skin. If you are proud of English decent or Japanese decent that is fine. If you are proud because your skin color is a certain shade or lack there of what does that make you?
WTN use a dictionary-1 : a native or inhabitant of Latin America Wtn what do you consider the white race?
I think it would be of little benefit for 95 % of shooters. What kind of distances are you shooting and are you good enough to notice a difference. I would think spending the money on training and ammo would be a better allocation of funds. It is the fiddler not the fiddle the majority of the time.