84 z28

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Everything posted by 84 z28

  1. I have a smooth bore shotgun and use rifle sights. I have always used them and would probably never change. I always have been able to drop deer with them and also nice having the sights when dropping them when there on the run. I like it old school and just figure its one less thing to go wrong.
  2. Thats the coolest thing I have ever seen. And they come in black so it can match my car.
  3. I have had mine since 1997. It finally pays off to have one lol.
  4. Just got the heads up from one of my camaro buddies. If you own a camaro you can pick up a free pizza tomorrow Aug 26 at any papa johns as long as you drive your car there. http://www.papasroadtrip.com/
  5. This is the reason why I only use a Casio G Zone phone. There made to military specs and there dust,water,and shock proof. I have had mine for 2 years and havent had a problem with it yet. Check it out there pretty cool. http://www.casiogzone.com/
  6. Winchester 1300 ranger with rifled sights and Winchester Power Point 2 3/4 slugs. Drops them every time.
  7. I have been kicking around getting a side business going to make some extra money. Well I finally got into one. I just opened my first online store selling replica sunglasses. Other than starting anything in New York State being a total PITA im finally ready to start selling sunglasses. Check out my site and give me some feedback . http://replicadesignersunglassesstore.com
  8. Would he have to limit him self to lead or can he use steel shot also ?
  9. My nephew has a 20ga 3in single shot with a fixed modifed choke. Would this be ok for turkey hunting and if so what loads would be recommended for turkey hunting.
  10. My opinion is if you dont like your kids mixing with the other colors and singing songs better start home schooling them.Its called public school for a reason. But thats just my yankee perspective of it.
  11. I have half sleeves on both arms and one chest piece so far. The next chest piece will be coming this summer.
  12. If you have smog checks in your area you cant do straight pipes unless you have a buddy at the inspection station. Having no cats wont hurt anything as long as your O2 sensor isnt after the cat.If it before it your ok. Best thing to do in your situation is to just get a Hi flow cat and a good aftermarket muffler and be done with it. Most hi preformance muffler companies have sound clips on the website so you can hear what they sound like before you buy them.
  13. I start my list to buy all new car parts from summit and jegs. And start preping the car for spring. This year I get to rebuild the rearend and put some nice 4.10's in it.
  14. Down - Over the Under Hank Williams III - Love sick broke and driftin
  15. 84 z28

    New Cell Phones

    I still have my casio g zone. I will never get another phone other than that brand as long as i live. There the best phone for outdoors and work.
  16. I scored 12,600 pts sweet !!!
  17. Here's a couple pics of the action and sights couldnt take any more the batteries died. Tomorrow maybe I will get some more and take more pics.
  18. Im sure its a model 54 and everything is stamped right on the barrel. I forgot the serial number but i ran it last night and it came up being a 1929 gun. I will take some pics for you tonight when I get home. The sights are the most interesting thing about the gun i have never seen a setup like it before.
  19. care to tell me why i cant use 3" shells just so I know for future reference. And is there any way to make the gun capable of switching to 3" shells ?
  20. I not gonna sell it just wanting to get some info on it. I checked the serial number on the gun and it was made in 1929 thats one old gun. So any 30-30 bullet will do the trick or I have to get a certain kind.I see .30 carbine and .30-30 winchester on cabelas.Whats the difference between the 2. I am assuming I need to stick with the .30-30 winchester.
  21. I have an 870 wingmaster currently with a 2 3/4 bird barrel on it. I would like to look into a deer barrel for it. The only slug barrels I find are in 3". Are all 870 model barrels interchangeable and can i use the 3" barrel ?
  22. I have had some rifles laying around for a while now. I have had them since my dad had passed about 20 yrs ago. I am only use to shooting slug guns so im not fimilar with rifles and there calibers. I have a Winchester model 54 .30 wcf. What caliber is this and what bullet should i be using ? Also what would it be worth ? Its looks pretty old. Not that i would sell it cause its my dads gun just want to know.
  23. Wow you guys are lucky. In New York they just lowered it to 14 years old. My nephew still has 2 yrs and hes dying to deer hunt.