Whitetail Freak Hunter

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About Whitetail Freak Hunter

  • Birthday 07/09/1956


  • Location
    Kalispell, Mt
  • Occupation
    TTD - Semi Retired
  • Interests
    Bow and Handgun Hunting
  • Biography
    I live in NW Montana and love to hunt whitetail deer
  • user_name_impex
    Whitetail Freak Hunter

Whitetail Freak Hunter's Achievements


4-Pointer (2/7)



  1. Heck looks like I did the week-end it was just 5* above zero here last month and still froze my buns off.
  2. Actually I called our Fish Wildlife and Parks dept in Kalispell, and told them that this was much larger than a regular red fox with a color variant of some tan and black with a white tipped tail. He identified it as a cross fox, which I had not heard of until I did the search at Google. But it looked nothing like those pictures which does look like what you say, a differant color phase of a red fox. I'm gonna get this rascal, as I've been watching the fox dens around the farm. As soon as the cattle are picked up that the owner has, then we can get turned loose to nail some coyotes and foxes.
  3. Will do, but we hunt the 4 legged varmints after our general rifle season, and that ends Thankgiving weekend. I may take my little .22 WMR out this weekend just to pack it along, since where gonna be in another area that is also good for coyotes and shots are real close. Can't wait for my .223 Rem bull barrel to get here and then I will get that all sighted up and ready to go.
  4. You done good, I love it when I see a drunk go to jail.
  5. Well we have the common red fox, and have found several dens where momma has several pups. But we also found a little bit larger fox that I called out local Fish Wildlife and Parks about. He said it was a cross fox, and should make for a nice pelt. Along with the coyote problem that we have, and the foxes I'm thinking that my .223 Rem and my stand by .22 WMR are going to see some action after our general rifle season is over. I'm gonna purchase a few more calls, and I'm thinking of a good electronic one with variant sounds to bring them in to it.
  6. Yep, for most preditors I will use .223 Rem (most likely a Barnes TSX bullet), but if I was hunting our big cats up here in Montana I would be using my 7mm-08 with a 120-gr Barnes TSX bullet or just stick with the 140-gr Barnes TSX that I am using now.
  7. Any buck taken with a bow, is a trophy and your dad did an awesome job with this hansom buck. Heck I would be proud to hang that one on my wall even. Way to go dad!
  8. I have a Game Hauler game cart that will take up to 500 lbs, which can still be a job. Most of the time, I'm hunting with a friend who does have 4 wheelers, but even then we still pack the Game Hauler along in case we set out on foot. If your in snow country when you get something down, those roll up toboggans http://www.emscogroup.com/products/product?id=70&category_id=25 work great as the game just slide right over the snow and ice. But if your in cell phone coverage, like others have said, as a last resort.... call friends.
  9. Now my hunting trip today, was a completely differant story from yesterday. My son in law and I, headed over to the property the his grandmother owns. We got in and set up with just the hint of day break. While we are up on this ridge over looking an area that we saw a buck during bowhunting season, I spot movement. I got myself in a great outlook, and bipod was holding everything steady. I put the scope and low and behold a nice shooter buck with carmal color antlers, is not paying attention. I have the crosshairs of the Nikon ProStaff w/BDC retical right in the ol windbags there. I let the Barnes TSX 140-gr go, and the buck stood there like it hadn't even been hit, then took a couple of steps and layed down. In the picture you might make out the white hair in the grass. When we walked up to tag and recover my buck, we happen to notice he had grass still in his mouth. Well after this I still had a B tag for getting me a doe. My son in law and I decided to move from where we were. As we relocated, I happen to notice a nice little rise that over the top might yeild something. As we approached the top, and could just make out a couple of does. The grass was long enough that I got real low, and crept to the edge where I had a good clear shot. I again made my selection of the 2 does, and placed my Nikon ProStaff cross hairs in the heart lung area. Now this doe was not sticking around not liking what it just felt. But I tell you that the Barnes TSX 140-gr bullet created a bloodtrail a blind man could follow.
  10. The best case I ever had, was when I nailed the sheriff of our small county that I was working in. I caught the sheriff Now after this happened, I left and quit law enforcement all together. He plead to lesser charges of Misdemeanor Theft. What surprizes me though, he now shows his face on facebook and myspace as if nothing ever happened. He discraced every police officer and sheriff's deputy here in Montana, and occationally returns to Missoula, Mt for the local Griz games at MSU. I'm just glad he is out of law enforcement all together.
  11. Glad it was not worse than it could have been, as I always say though.... "Trouble Never Makes An Appointment"
  12. A buddy of mine works there as a doctor, and he was real busy yesterday. Glad he was safely away from the shooter.