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About redman

  • Birthday 08/18/1989


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  • Interests
    Hunt and Fish
  • user_name_impex

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  1. the rage 2 blade i think are the best out there thats what i shoot
  2. dude let me tell yall about my latest hunt in Ill. me and my cuz went to this grown up field that had a lot of weeds in it, but we got in the stand at about 3:30. Waited til around 4 or so and he sent me a text saying that a big buck was comming down this ridge toward us. this deer was an 8 point with like 11- 13 inch G2 and G3 but this deer was real heavy at his bases. Anyways I grunted a couple times and sure enough he came in at 50 yards and i only had my bow, so i couldnt make that long of a shot. The deer sat and ate there for about 10 mins and I was shakin so bad that the stand was startin to rattle:D, but to end it he never came any closer and walked out of sight:(. upset but not worried though goin back in 2 weeks to get anouther shot.
  3. that is really stupid and i hope that people dont look down on "REAL" hunters!
  4. congrats awsome looking buck
  5. Im sry to hear that ill be sure to keep the whole family and friends in my prayers
  6. Yes first take soil samples but also before you disc or bushhog remember that if u plan to hunt turkeys in the spring there leave some of the thick brush cause they will use it for cover and protection and should bring more game into your food plot
  7. redman

    Bow Hunt

    Im heading to Illinos in a few weeks is there tips and tricks t hunting the country up there? hopefully ill have some luck and be able to share some photos with you guys!
  8. redman


    I live in georgia where dog hunting is alllowed. this past wkd my neighbors ran a nice buck off my property with there dogs. I just want some input on what other hunters think about this style of hunting?
  9. Yea i believe he is goin to appoint hillary as well
  10. Sure If its a coon hunting game ill go and take a gander at it today and yea man ill hunt
  11. I just bought a new piece of land its about 80 acres and i have a couple of nice bucks on it. Any advice on how to help manage them and keep them on property?
  12. I'm the same way live in a small town in georgia and have to drive about an hour or two so i can hunt