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Everything posted by hoythunter37

  1. Amazing pictures man!! Great shed and deer!
  2. I always use the Realtree screw in hanger. I don't like most other ones. They don't seem to hold my bow as well. Cant beat the two or three arm screw in.
  3. I use a Remington 870 12 ga. It is an older model.. about 1980 or 90s. My grandfather gave it to my dad now I have it. Its about 4 foot long, but I tell ya it does the job. lol
  4. I was going to make a sarcastic remark but on this subject it most likely not good for this matter. This is just plain dumb. I would have to agree with you. For someone to say to urinate on themselves to turn a rapest down come on lets be real here, that won't do anything but I know one thing that will and that would be a a firearm toward that person....
  5. Thats sick man. Congrats on the Nice New Jersey buck!!
  6. Ok so I was thinking today since I had a snow day that I have not been on here in about 3 years. Well I have decided to get back into this with full force. I have been shed hunting a lot the past couple of years. My wife and I decided to get a dog about 2 years ago. Well when we got our wonderful dog Hoyt he took a special interest in deer antlers. Well I started working with him at 8 weeks and now he is just over 2 years old. I haven't been real close with dogs in the past but this dog has a special place in my heart not only for being a caring and loving animal but a shed hunting machine. It amazes me how he can turn on his hunt mode but be so loving an caring to not only me and my wife but to my almost 3 year old niece. My dog Hoyt at the age of 2 years and 5 months with no special training has found 7 sheds. It amazes me to watch him have the passion I do for searching for deer antlers. To watch him hunt is like watching a setter go after quail on an october morning. I don't want to seem like I am tooting my own horn or anything, I am just one proud puppy owner. Does anyone else try hunting sheds with your dogs?? Thank you for listening. Here is a picture of my Boy Hoyt!
  7. I have not been to hadley creek. But I am a guide for an outfitter here in missouri and I would have to say from a guides perspective you need to give him a tip. To me it all depends on how hard the guide works. If your not seein deer and he is moving you around to try and get you on some or if you are seeing deer but just not shooters then in my opinion that is what a hard working guide will do for you. Just my opinion though. As far as price I think I am on the low end, I charge anywhere from $75-$100 a day.
  8. Hey guys just wondering how everyone was doin? I haven't posted any yet because I dont want to post a ton of pictures. But I have found 11 so far. Still lookin but heck I am still seeing bucks packing at least one side and some with both. I hope everyone is doin great!! Good luck and keep lookin Hoythunter
  9. No offense but PLEASE and I mean PLEASE!!!!!! DO NOT PLANT HONEYSUCKLE!!!! I work in the forestry business and yes this does make great cover for deer and wildlife. But you will have no understory trees what so ever after you plant this. It is one of the most highly invasive species out there. Once you plant this you will hardly never be able to get it out of your woods or your neighbor's woods ever again. I would recommend doing a TSI (Timber Stand Improvement). I would go through and cut all the tree's around your crop tree's allowing about 30ft around that tree's canope. Doing this will allow more light down to the forest floor getting better oak regeneration for a better stand of cover and food for wildlife.
  10. Amen to that. I have been there myself. Best thing you can do is learn from it and go on. There is always a circle of life and if you dont feed from him then something else will.
  11. Same here. Most likely will never shoot one past 50 but if I need to its there and I know I can hit it.
  12. I had my first one last year with my bow. Shot my 12pt that scored 148 7/8 the day before our Missouri gun season.
  13. O man my soon to be wife and I went to there concert last year at the Missouri State Fair and it was awesome. One of the best concerts we have ever been to. It sure does look like you all had a great time. Nice pic's too
  14. Well I have had two a bear bow and my current hoyt ultramag. I have had my hoyt for about about 6 or so years now and it has yet to let me down.
  15. Well use alot of mine for makin table lamps and floor lamps.
  16. That is a pretty sweet video. Some neat arrows.
  17. Well I am workin for Quality Forest Management as a Forester. I work all over MO and IL so far. We are contracted through the Core doing forest inventory on the Mississippi River. Cool Job....but not so cool bein away from home all the time. Matt
  18. Heck ya man Congrats on the nice find. Glad to hear you ended the drought! lol
  19. Well I would have to say he should be. Although I was have to say that he should be rewarded for his honesty. lol At least he had the nerve to stand up and pretty much say "Ya I did, but didnt mean to put him in the air." lol
  20. Well today was the first day of the Missouri Deer classic and let me tell ya from the years past this has been the best one so far I have been to. The past couple of years the MO classic has gone way down hill with vendors attendence and well everything to be honest. This year it has changed, all of the vendors were filled and you could barely walk in there. Then to top if off I got to meet Ralph and vicki Cianciarulo. With watchin there tv shows/DVD's and everything I knew comin in that they had to be fun people. But when I got there it carried over to the classic. When we finally got to them they were just a pleasure to be around. Very personable, nice, and funny people to be around and I felt very prevliaged(sp) just to be in their with them. It just makes feel great that we are having these kinda people in the public eye representing our sport with the kinda attitude the Cianciarulo's have. They were asking about our hunting season this year, jokin, and all kinds of other stufff(I was too caught up in the momment to remember all of it). I know I am just rambling here and im sorry for that but I am just so glad I got to meet some of the great realtree staff and to see them so down to earth kinda people, while being swamped by a ton of people. If you ever get the chance to meet them I would take full advantage of it. Matt
  21. Dang that is awesome!! Must have taken ya quite awhile.