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About RTPROFamily

  • Birthday 03/27/1956


  • Location
  • Occupation
    PR manager
  • Biography
    Randy Oitker's family

RTPROFamily's Achievements


8-Pointer (4/7)



  1. Happy birthday steve from the entire oitker family!!
  2. Glad you and your family are doing well Kyle! When are you going to add a little girl to that beautiful family?
  3. MORE PRAYERS FOR OUR GOOD FRIEND AND PRO-STAFFER STEVE B. UPDATE FROM STEVE"S DAUGHTER:He is doing well. He has two TIA strokes. He has full speech and no paralysis. They found some white matter on his MRI indicating a previous stroke. He will have ultrasounds done on his heart and arteries tomorrow. The drs are concerned that these mini strokes are a symptom of an oncoming massive stroke so the have him on various different meds. He dr in AK is going to consult with his drs in Denver to map out a better course of treatment. We will know more on Monday if he will be transferred to another hospital. Thanks for your prayers. When I talked to him, he sounded in good spirits.
  4. I just got a message from Dakota. He said to tell everyone thanks for the prayers and well wishes. He said he has not been on the forums in so long that he has forgotten his password. So, he asked me to go ahead and thank every one. He is doing better and still doing his hockey news reporting.
  5. Please keep our good friend and forum member Dakota in your prayers. He had to go to the ER today and he could really use the prayers. He said they found a little internal bleeding. Most of the members on here know who this is and if you are new he could still use the prayers. Thanks
  6. Chris, Prayers from the Oitker family in IL. are on the way. Please give your son a big hug from us and you take care of yourself too! Darla
  7. Todd, I am so happy for you and your family. I have not been on here in a very long time and I am glad that I checked this out.I will pass the info on to Randy, he is in SD. doing an outdoor expo. Let me know when you are having your grand opening. CONGRATS TO YOU!! Take care, Darla
  8. Here is a preview of tonights show Shell Shocked on the Sportsman Channel at 8:30pm CST with Randy Oitker and Patrick Flanigan in an archery challenge.The Sportsman Channel | Shell Shocked! With Patrick Flanigan
  9. Please keep Steve in your thoughts and prayers. His daughter posted this on facebook: Randean Beilgard Klindt[h=6]Found out that my dad has a rapid and aggressive form of cancer.[/h]I am sure he would welcome your thoughts and prayers. He knows almost everyone here very well. Thank you, The Oitker family
  10. I wanted to pass this along to all of Gary's Realtree friends. Prayers needed for him and his family and on his long trip home. Thanks, Darla To all of Gary's friends, Mom passed away on Sat 10/8 at 1215 pm. Her viewing is at 1st assembly of zephyrhills 7-9 pm tues 10/11, funeral is wed at 10 am from same church. Flowers can be sent to Whitfield Funeral Home 5008 Gall Blvd Zephyrhills,Fl or Donations to HPH Hospice of Dade City, Fl.
  11. I just wanted to let everyone know that Gary could use a prayer or two. He drove down to Florida yesterday to try and see his mother for the last time possibly. His talked with his mother on the phone and she told him she was ready to go. So, Gary hurried on down to see her. This is all I know for now. I pray that Gary made it safely and in time to talk with her in person once more.He said to tell the ones that you love, that you love them before it is too late! Thanks, Darla
  12. That is awesome Anthony! I think that you should still keep the duds anyway. Dry them out and mount them in an arrangement for decoration and then write on the bottom where they came from.
  13. I thought that I would let all of Randy's friends know this in case they wanted to set their dvr. Randy has been very busy but last week he scratched the inside of his eye in about 11 places. He has been using drops and an ointment at night trying to get it to heal. He has went to the DR. almost every day getting his eyesight checked. Good news, his eyesight is finally starting to improve.Still has some pain though. Hope you can catch this show tomorrow on the OUTDOOR CHANNEL! September 14thShooting USA's Impossible Shots - The Wind is My Friend Patrick Flanigan and his Mossberg shotgun battle strong winds as he tries shooting clays from the hip and off the shoulder. It’s a lesson in patience and perseverance, as Patrick learns shows us how a professional deals with less-than-ideal shooting conditions. Then, compound bow whiz Randy Oitker takes on lollipops and aspirin - while shooting on his back! And it’s an Impossible Shots Classic from Smith & Wesson pro shooter Jerry Miculek. Jerry works the double-action revolver like no one ever has, this time with no sights and from the hip.
  14. I think that there is more information needed on hunting harnesses that leave you hanging in the air when you fall. You can die from suspension trauma in as little as 2 min. but most still say they are saving your life. There are a couple of new ones that have a release handle to let you descend safely to the ground. More info should be released on the suspension trauma. There is a false sense of safety by not knowing about the suspension trauma and blood pooling in your legs before someone can help get you down.More lives would be saved for sure if more info is gained.
  15. I just talked to Steve,he said Rilda slipped into a coma yesterday. He said everyone has surrounded her tonight. Hospice has been been taking care of things at their house so she is in her own bed. Steve told me she probably won't last the night. She is breathing very heavily. Please say a Prayer for Rilda and her family. Steve said their 42nd anniversary will be in 2 days and he thought she was trying to hang on until then. Her family is telling her it is okay to go. Prayers from all are greatly needed for this special lady! The Oitker Family