hungry hunter

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Everything posted by hungry hunter

  1. John looks like yall had a blast, by the way shark is excellent on the grill.
  2. Let us know John, in the mean time it's just me and my Muzzy's.
  3. Hope I ain't too late since I got over 20 miles of electric fence (livestock containment) the biggest problem is with the plastic insulators the wire makes contact and shorts out, I use a 50 mile box with 3 grounding rods which gives me 3 joules of zapping power throughout the fence and yes it hurts like the dickens when you inadvertly touch it. wrapping the wire around the ground rod is worthless use a clamp, keep grass off the wire, clean each contact point of fence wire with sandpaper, or like steve recommended shoot the dog. What I have set up works on over 100 goats, 3 dogs, 16 horses, along with trespassers and myself. good luck.
  4. Sorry it took so long to answer. The Cherry Coke was in the water pan, internal temp ain't got a clue since I am kinda new to this, therometer outside read 210 degrees so I go by that, the time limit was 4 hours 15 minutes. Gander Mountain 30 inch gas smoker. I rubbed the outside with Italian dressing then a generous amount of rib rub on the outside. the ham was deboned.
  5. Ok, since i did not get any real info heres my test results for the .44 mag rifle barrel that i had made. 1/38 twist. It does not like hornaday 225 lever reverloutiion ammo. Would not signt in at 100 yards. Wont shoot at 100 yards with any type of accuracey, actually 22 inch high then 22 inch low too inconstent for my liking. . 300 gr hornaday xtp 2 inch group at 50 yards 1 inch low at 100 yards with a 50 yard 0. The .357 magnum barrel is 1/18-3/4 twist 158 grain sjhp reloads 2 inch at 50 with a 5 to 6 inch drop at 100. Just info for anybody that wants it.
  6. Hope I am not too late, My Savage .308 fple1 loves the 168 gr bthp match, by Black Hills gold, yes its a little more pricy but well worth the money, touch holes at 200 yards almost same hole at 100 yards.
  7. You already called it. Same symptions with my 03 Eigher, 42 dollars on E-bay for entire upper end kit. which included all rings and, gaskets, and o rings.
  8. All right all yall Indiana hunters, I will be heading up there next weekend. Hunting the Nashville, Gnaw Bone area (pretty sure) any signs of rutting activity? any help appreicated. Hunting private property. Fred
  9. Looks like somebody slep at a Holiday Inn recently. lamo
  10. OK, Shawn, need your help on this one. Have you or any of your mechanic partners heard of a Ford, transmission shift sensor which shorts out when wet, looses power then regains power and causes wreck. Any help appreicated. Fred
  11. Ok heres one that I have tried and it turned out AWSOME!!!! 4 to 5 pound Venison ham, 1 can cherry coke , 1 can mt. dew mixed in wet tray, pecan wood, smoke at 210 for 4 hours, you won't regret this one. Don't forget to check on the fluids during the smoking process. Keep it full.
  12. congrats, enjoy the meat!!!, welcome to RT.
  13. There all over the place Ruth, I don't like to hunt them until the first frost becasue of warbles. The cold kills them.We killed over 200 in the oak hammock we live in last year. Good luck, mainly use the .32 muzzleloader.
  14. Got a good horse to sell ya, only roped off on weekends. Honesty have had good luck with KIA vehicles, my wife used to herd cattle and move goats and other livestock with her RIO nowdays she uses a Sportage 33 mpg and good little car.
  15. What was already said, I wash short cycle with normal scent free soap, then earth dryer sheets. Don't smell anything but dirt
  16. We use Walgreen's here, cheaper then Wal-mart and cheaper to put film on disc.
  17. S&W 686 6" stainless, 158 or 180 gr SJHP, the 180's have put many a hog on the plate.
  18. OK, barells bought, scope mounted, now since I don't have a lot of experience with the .44 mag round what friendly advice could I get for a hunting round. I did get a box of Hornaday XTP 300 gr for $19.00 would this weight be too heavy to max out the range. I want to zero the rifle at 100 yards also considering the 220 gr. Any help is appreaciated. The gun is NEF rifle 1/38 twist I believe. Fred
  19. In parts of Florida the rut is in or as argued deer breed year around here. Me personally during bow season in central part of the state I use only buck lures no estrous.
  20. My choice is .270 all around, I to am hunting Indiana this fall and had barrel's made for my NEF in .44 mag, .357 mag, and .223 (wife's) all three barrells for less then $400.00.
  21. Been summonded once, But they released me since I was the arresting officer.
  22. Good stuff, the best I ever had was a shrimp Curry in Singapore while I was in the Navy.
  23. OK, a friend of mine was given a bow by another friend, the name of the bow is Pro Sports Archery, made in Canada, model is Raider, 28 inch draw 70 lbs, 2 cam,camo finish, split limb (split flex) have not been able to find any information on this bow other than sold to Champion archery. any help is appreicated.
  24. thoughts of good memories are there, sorry for the familys loss, I went through the same two weeks ago with retired police K-9 16 years old.