colorado bob

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Everything posted by colorado bob

  1. Those Rangers have a hot goalie, could be a dark horse.
  2. SilverTip----With no points showing you drew your 1st choice. 2nd choice would would have points showing. You only lose points on your 1st choice. If you had no points going in the draw, if you drew your 2nd choice it would show that you got a preference point.
  3. Another point for me. That's 10, someday I'll draw that High Country Buck tag in 74. Jeff, look on the brite side----you'll get your money back. I got all mine back----now I can pay for that turkey hunt I'm going on next spring with Tim & the RT forum guys.
  4. I'm head up to cabin & fish the Kenai for reds in July. Have a good summer up there in God's Country.
  5. No bueno-----next week moose & deer come out---crossing my fingers
  6. I'm in the same boat as you Rhino------I'm hooked on the gobble. Let's talk to Adam when we're there & look into it.
  7. Strut will the Osceola finish your slam? That's the one I'm missing, I just cant seem to justify spending that kind of cabbage on a turkey hunt. I mailed the deposit in today's mail. Bob
  8. Nice-----Spring turkey hunting, is there anything better? Bob
  9. Pen's are in a series, 2-2
  10. I'm hoping lighting will strike on Thursday for a desert bighorn.:yes:
  11. 1-1 end of 1st ----Let's go Pens
  12. Real Vacation? Does this mean me going to Kansas to hunt turkeys with Tim doesn't qualify?
  13. Tim---I just talked to Adam. I'm good to go. I'm sending in the deposit for 2 spots. Come guys----this looks like a blast. Lots of birds, good food & good company. What more to you want in a hunt. For $700 you can't do better. Bob
  14. Also, since I'll driving can I get around in a car? Or do I need to bring the gas guzzling pickup?
  15. I'm in for 2 spots. If my buddy doesn't want to go, my better half will go. Do we have to commit for the number of birds now or later? When do we need to send in a deposit? Bob
  16. Conglads, on the gobbler. Nothing wrong with a jake. State of Vermont says it's a legal bird, you took him fair & square. FYI---Colorado says jakes are legal & I've taken then in past And will again if given the chance. Bob
  17. Jeff, Your pm box is full. I got the envelope in today's mail. Thanks, Bob
  18. Steve, POW is the place, if I can draw.
  19. I usually walk logging trails & owl hoot right at dusk & for about 30 minutes after dusk. They shock gobble giving you a spot to be at 1st light the following morning. Just remember---Roosted is not Roasted. Bob
  20. I'd give up but the hunt was bought at a banquet. So it's paid for, just have to draw the tag. NM is the only other state I apply for. Colorado has everything for my needs.
  21. No Gila bull for the Mrs. It's a hard state to draw, in 10 years, no luck & that's with an outfitter submitting the tag.
  22. I just looked at the Kansas map. Why do you guys always pick the wrong end of the state? LOL Bob
  23. I'd be there for a Realtree turkey hunt. Easterns?