My 2-cents.... Wolves were brought back for pretty much two reasons. First was that there is definately a need for large predators. We as hunters hate the thought of something else killing "our" deer and "our elk", but the simple fact is that there was in fact a justifyable reason to bring the wolf back to help control populations of prey species like the deer and elk. Especially in and around Yellowstone. The other reason that the wolf was brought back was plain and simply, Nostalgia. People longed to here the call of the wolf as did our fore fathers, and that's cool....except when that "call of the wild" is coming from your backyard and Little Suzie is out there playing in the sand box. Too many people who think with their hearts and not with their heads forgot about reason number one....the wolf is a Large Predator. That, or they simply don't care about the rancher who is losing his livelihood, or a child that has been attacked, it wasn't their kids, and it wasn't their cattle or sheep that were killed. My biggest problem with this issue is that the reintroduction of wolves out west was justified with scientific data. The Fish & Wildlife people were charged with justifying it. But now that they are here, and spreading like wildfire, it isn't about the scientific data anymore. It is about the nostalgia. You have judges that groups like PETA have in their back pockets. These people don't care to see the big picture. Tree huggers go out and hug trees and then go back to their stick built homes. They see a news report of a mountain lion attack on a jogger and snarl that the jogger was the the lions territory. But when it is Their little Poodle being drug away, then suddenly its time to "cry wolf"(pun intended)