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About icbigiowabucks

  • Birthday 09/09/1976


  • Location
  • Occupation
    Route Driver
  • Interests
    Bowhunting, Fishing, Spending time with family

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  1. i wouldnt think that would be good on things, sitting like that for a extended period of time..
  2. my daughter had here 2nd wrestling match tonight and won both matched by pin, first match she pinned him in the 3rd round,it was unreal how loud everyone got cheering, and the 2nd match she pinned him in 29 seconds. here are both videos both not very long...there were alot of boys thinkin this was going to be an easy win boy were they surprised... shes the one in black, with full black head gear
  3. I have 3 kids thats shoot the browning micro midas 3 bow and they all 3 love them, will have acouple more as soon as i can find 2 more for my son and wife to shoot
  4. they used one in MO a few years back and had over 100 holes it, and caught 5 people shooting it
  5. Id say around 140, less if you score him non-typical, to bad he has a broken G3 that will hurt the score might gross around 150 but net low 140, pics are deciving though, let us no... Awesome buck no matter the score
  6. Glad everyone is ok, prayers sent to your friends son and family..I knew a kid that was diagnosed with it about 7 years ago and no longer as it, because of diet changes and other stuff, hope it goes the same for this young man
  7. wow what a doe almost looks like a buck without antlers, any idea on weight, would be a good one to score for the big mamma scoring sysyem congrats
  8. here are a couple euro mounts im workin on not quite done with them yet but getting closer, top one is one I found fishing and bottom one is my bow kill this year...
  9. Shot this 9 pointer on nov 11th, came in at 7am chasing a doe, 20yd broadside shot turned into a arrow hitting him high going down into his hind quarter, he spun around on me just as i pulled the trigger on my release, went about 50 yards and bedded down, I waited about 5 hrs to track and jumped him he ran about 50 more yards and bedded back down, Went back sat. morning and found him 20yards from the last place i seen him bed down. Shot him with my Ross CR331 bow with awesome 3 blade 100 grain muzzys
  10. Shot this buck with my Ross CR331 came in chasin a doe, 20 yard shot, shot it 11-14-09 central iowa
  11. The buck was shot on a deer farm in MO. I heard its a high fence farm. dnt remember the name of the place but anyone can shoot one or bigger if you want, hunts start at like $10000...
  12. Thanks guys, looks like from everywhere ive asked its pretty much a 50\50 deal with likes and dislikes... I bought a trophy ridge matrix sight and the guy threw in a new trophy ridge drop away rest guess ill try it and if I dont like it ill get a muzzy, Thanks again
  13. Looking to get a new rest and was wondering if anyone shoots or has shot with the muzzy drop away? and if so what do you think about it? Thanks