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Everything posted by cbahunter

  1. cbahunter


    Looks like a nice buck, would be hard to pass this guy up.Check out this buck, he is the one I am waiting for!
  2. Just a heads up...Cabela's has BH 209 on sale from October 22, 2009 until November 01, 2009 for $24.99. I picked up 2 more containers yesterday.
  3. Still have not figured out how to properly attach a picture to my reply.. Any help on how to do with would be appriciated.
  4. As far as trail camera’s go, I own three different types: Cabela’s Outfitter with view finder – This is a good camera, but it fails to keep the correct time and date and the battery life is not as good as I would like. This is a flash type camera cost was $200.00 on sale and uses 6 D batteries. Bushnell Trophy Cam – this a neet little camera only 4X6 inches and runs off 8 AA Lithium batteries they claim that a set of these batteries will last 1 year. The camera takes good pictures in daylight but the night IR pictures are a little dark. Cost of this unit was $229.00. Moultrie I50 – I think this is the best of the bunch takes great pictures in daylight and the nighttime IR pictures are not to bad. Battery life is GREAT put this camera out in early August and still showing 65% battery life after LOTS of pictures. The only down side with this camera is that it needs a lot of daylight or you get the black and white IR pictures, but over all this camera is my favorite. I have had a Cuddy Back Excite and it only worked for about 2 months then failed and all that I have read about the new Capture cameras are not really positive. For my money the Moultire I50 is the best choice. Good Luck, Dennis PS - If the attached picture is visible this came from the Moultire I50.
  5. I recently switched to BH 209 powder, tried several different bullets and powder charges out of my Encore Endeavor with the Nikon BDC 3X9 scope and the best load for this gun seems to be 100 gr BH 209 and 300 gr. Hornady SST Low Drag. Three shot group at 100 yards was 1.5 inches and at 200 yards the group held to 2.0 inches. I tried the 250 Hornady SST Low Drag and it worked okay group was about 2.5 inches at 100 yards and 7 inches at 200 yards. The TC 250 gr. Shockwave easyslide did not work for me at all, at 100 yards they were not even on the 12 inch target that I was unsing! I really like the BH 209 powder, but I still would clean you gun after shooting this or any other powder. You might want to try the Hornady SST 300 gr. Low Drag out of your TC. Good luck, Dennis
  6. That is one nice buck, I hope you get a chance to take him. Check out this Nebraska Buck.. This is the guy I would like to take this year.
  7. Please click one of the Quick Reply icons in the posts above to activate Quick Reply.
  8. Which Hornady Bullet are you using 250 or 300 gr.?
  9. I shoot an Encore Endeavor and the best load I have found for my gun is 100 gr. of Blackhorn 209 powder and Hornady 300 gr. SST Low Drag bullet. I also have an Nikon Omega 3X9 scope with BDC and it works great.
  10. I tried this powder for the first time on Tuesday afternoon, I was really impressed with the performance that I was able to get. Three shots at 100 yards with 100 gr. and a 300 gr. Hornady SST LOW DRAG seemed to work the best about 1 inch group, then moved target out to 200 yards and was able to maintain a 2 1/2 inch group. I did try some other bullets - 250 Hornady SST LOW DRAG and the group was about 3 inches at 100 yards then tried 250 TC Shockwave with 100 gr. and this load totally was off the target! I will be using the 300 gr. Hornady SST Low Drag combination this is the load that seems to work the best in this gun. Thanks for your input. Dennis
  11. I have been doing a lot of research into Blackhorn 209 powder and most of what I have read is positive, but I would like to hear from those who have actually used this powder and hear what they have to say about it. The powder is a little more expensive than say triple 7 but the advantages may outweigh the difference in cost. I am currently shooting a TC Encore Endeavor and would appreciate any input on what a good load and bullet would be for this gun.
  12. Sticking 209 primers If you are having problems with sticking primers, you might want to try putting a little breach plug lube on a cotton swab and lube the inside of the primer hole. I have a couple T/C Omega's and they will use any type of primers, but my Encore Endeavor only works with CCI primers.