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Everything posted by Sykotik

  1. I am a Carpenter by trade and really enjoy woodworking on the side. I just found a new hobby though.......Bought an early '70's Bear Kodiak Magnum recurve.....Like my father used to shoot back in the day. I am hoping to gain enough proficiency with the stick and string so I can leave the compound at home next season.
  2. You have a Taurus Model 607. It was introduced about 15 years ago. They also make the 8-shot version.....Model 608.
  3. I have shot deer with anything from the .243 to the .444 Marlin but most of the time I carry either my Remington 760 Carbine in 30-06 or one of my 30/30's. I'm predominately a still hunter so I like a short, light, quick handling rifle.
  4. I have an old Marlin Model 25N that I have been shooting for the past 25 years or so. I tried every kind of bullet I could get my hands on over the years. the 3 most accurate off the bench have been Federal Gold Medal Match, CCI Green Tag and CCI Mini-Mag HP. With the price differential, I stick with the Mini-Mags. still get a 1-hole group at 50 and plenty of punch for squirrels.
  5. My favorite is the rifle that used to be my Mom's deer rifle. It is a late 50's, or early 60's Remington Model 760 Gamemaster Carbine chambered in 30-06 with a Winfield 3x9x32 Scope in the old Weaver flip mounts. Although I own others, this one has been my near constant companion for the past 28 years. Took my first deer with it in 1983 and took my deer last year with it also.
  6. Nice finds. It's great getting out there with the kids.
  7. 2000 Jennings X-Master w/3" overdraw Trophy Ridge 3 pin fiber optic sight Nap Silent Rover rest X-Ring 6" stabilizer Limb savers Jennings 2 piece quiver Peep, kisser, string loop, etc. Beman Camo Hunter 340's 75 grain Wasp Jak-Hammer expandables Pulls 71 lbs at 30 inches....319 fps over the chrono