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Everything posted by woolybear

  1. Found this today thought it was kinda funny! :gunsmilie: :jaw:
  2. Congrats on the new TH DA, that's a shooter for sure! Good luck with her. BTW- you got a PM.
  3. I wanna play too. Thanks for doing this guys- good times and great way to fight off cabin fever this time of year. woolybear- put me down for 12;)
  4. Great set. Gonna be hard to stop now.
  5. Great job to both of you. Maybe you can still find his sheds.
  6. Really great looking bucks man, congrats!
  7. Regular Dennis Rodman of the coon world! ....hmmmm, I hope that's ok to say,lol
  8. Just thought I'd share some of Mother Natures Christmas decorations she has yet to take down. Found these ice dingle berries hanging off the edge of the shelf ice around the creek yesterday and thought they were way too cool to pass by without a few pics. I'm sure nobody else had seen them. Not another bootprint in site and they were gone today. Really enjoying the winter here so far!:camera:
  9. woolybear


    Hope you weren't to picky blonde or brunette! Stay warm brother.
  10. Great set. Wont be long now! Good luck in 2010.
  11. That's what I was thinking. Had the same thing happen to me last winter when it got so bad the bearings shot out turning into a service station. Just junked the old Probe.
  12. Well I wont be baking any award winning pies with them so they really don't need to be all that pretty. Just deer chow. This tree from winter '08 was the ONLY one that produced and held its fruit well. It's about 500 yds away from the main orchard of aproximately 2 acres that was void of apples that year. Don't know what made this one the exception that year. It held much of it's bounty right up till spring along with a steady drop that kept deer coming back to it. This tree was one of the few that yielded a good crop again this year, just slightly thinner.
  13. Long as you don't find yourself running from the flashing YELLOW lights coming down the road too long.... you should be ok.
  14. I think it was a "fishing contest" for most bites.:pacman: Could be wrong.
  15. Thanks for the pointers guys, just saved me a ton of reading/research by answering the questions I wanted answers to within my limits. The plan is to try it on a handfull of trees this spring without breaking the bank, and as mentioned wasting my time. Will see if I can get a few good producers back and go from there in the future depending on the results. Thanks again for the starting point.
  16. Have a few orchards around here that usually draw deer and other critters durring the fall on into spring. This year the mast produced was virtually non existant. For the most part they've been taken over by blackberry thickets and goldenrod and still offer a safe impenetrable bedding area but lack the fruits on the ground to hold any game as a primary feeding area through out the wintering months as they have in the past. Questions: To grow more fruits..... - would pruning and trimming help? - fertilizing drip zones? - removal of underbrush and less desireables competing for needed soil nutrients? Any input or tips to accomplish any of the above would be appreciated, thanks.
  17. Sure doesn't look like they miss many meals. We don't get too many deer in the yard anymore. Urban sprawl has changed their travels through the neighborhood over the years. Nice pics!
  18. Great pics Ben! Wouldn't mind leaving yankieland for that. Definately someplace I've always wanted to be. Looks like a great place to call home.
  19. Looks like you got a little quack in your lens there Dave!
  20. My guess is something with 4 legs eats him soon.:crutch:
  21. Pretty sweet pics. Not everyday you get to see a girraffes breath:smoke:
  22. Quite the collection you've got going there Joe. Got some extra vintage flakes here if you're open to donations.