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  • Birthday 09/11/1982


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    Avid hunter&outdoorsman
  • Biography
    I'm Jay I live in the small town of Nokesville Va Im 26 years old I am an electrician by trade.
  • user_name_impex

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  1. I'm writing today for Va hunters who like me would like to have some of our gaming laws changed in Va.First priority is bringing sunday hunting to Va I really believe if we can ban together and everyone do their part we can bring hunting on sundays to Va.It not only can cotribute to population control but it also gives people the chance to get outdoors that maybe couldn't before.I live in northern Va just about 60 miles west of DC , I hunt primarily in the counties of Prince William,Faquier,Loundoun and if you hunt any of these counties you may know the deer population is overwhelming we now have more deer in our back yards than in the woods.Alot of that is due to construction and loss of habitat but I also believe that is due to population control.Now resources tells us that without population control it could wipe out a species due to famine,illness and many other conditions.Thats why I am proposing bringing what I would call buck days to certain counties in Va who also have the problem of population control like my area.In this program hunters would only be able to harvest a buck on certain days of the hunting season and the buck taken should also have specifications on antler size,maturity,etc thus allowing our small bucks to grow to full maturity before being taken.I have many other thoughts on topics that I have just spoke about but I would like to hear your thoughts on Va gaming laws.Also I would like to invite you to join my group on facebook just type in the apps search box (Let's bring sunday hunting to VA).Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.
  2. Good to hear that you made it that was a heck of a trip you took there.Hope the new job is working out for ya. i don't know what your new job is but it sounds pretty hi tech. Well best of luck toya man take care.
  3. Congrats on the first tom he's a nice one many more to come
  4. Congrats on the bird he's sure a nice one and ya got to love the short&sweet ones they're always the best
  5. Congrats on the first bird and many more to come
  6. I have being huntin hard this weekend but despite my best effort I have to say I've come out empty handed.Not to say I haven't had plenty of activity just can't get it to come together.Friday had one hang up on me and sat the bird I roosted Friday night busted me he left roost earlier than I anticipated sat morning and was in my stand before I was.We have two more weeks left so I am really feeling the pressure to knock one down.
  7. That sure is a good lookin bird man congrats:D
  8. Yeah I think a nice full body mount would be good not really sure what I would have bird doing but my first wasn't the biggst bird but I still had it mounted just cause he was the first.By the way congrats on thye bird and many more to come
  9. A little scouting sure does go a long way congrats he's a good lookin bird
  10. Now thats a nice first bird congrats and many more to come
  11. First birds always for the memory books many more to come
  12. He's a good lookin bird congrats man
  13. Nice! three beards thats something to be proud of.
  14. One for the memory books Congrats on the bird he's a dandy!