ive got 32 stands LOL but all are store bought... seems like alot of cash, but you can get these things half price or less after season. I can weld, but its still cheaper for me to go to dicks, walmart, or gander mountain and get their stands when on sale. Espically the 15ft ladder stands which are 40bucks on sale.
I bought 2 of the loggy bayou pro predators this spring for 60bucks each, which are normally 150buck stands. I cant wait to try those out. But i have enough to never run out, plus I buy about 3-4 more each season. My wife says im obessed with treestands
back on topic, if you can weld and have the materials, just look at some of yours you have and try to design one. Someone mentioned the 25buck comfort zone hang ones.. I have 2 and stand stand those. The platform is way to small, espically when getting up above 15ft lol.. but they are nice to have just in case you need one more stand at the last minute to use