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About crazyfarmer

  • Birthday 04/30/1980

crazyfarmer's Achievements


4-Pointer (2/7)



  1. its a big deal here in Va also.. im presonally not in favor of it but I get to hunt most of the week when others cant. Its never been a law here that you could hunt on Sundays. The biggest hiccup facing those that want it is that we are a dog hunting state also. Church members dont want dogs running though the parking lot and shotguns firing. I know, I know, its ways to prevent that but its only gonna take one idiot to ruin that part for everyone. I wouldnt mind bowhunting only on Sundays, but again its one idiot thats gonna try to sneak a rifle out and ruin that or someone to still hunt off dogs but say they are bowhunting. Its just not enough pro's to get it by in Va. Granted its not alot of cons, but its just no solid reason for it to become a law here. Now if I was a youngin back in my teens I would be all for it. Since ive matured a lil bit, I have a different opinion:) If its passed here, then great though:) Ill glady hunt on sundays. If it isnt passed, then its not the end of the world.
  2. same here... but it also really depends on the distance for me. If he's out past 25 yards I may aim a tad lower. But under 20 yards, he not gonna drop enough to make a difference.
  3. best advice would be just to go to the shop and look... more than likely, they think you are pricing for another store
  4. I went into the woods once here duyring shotgun season and about walked up on a hunter who had taken his orange hat off. Now had a deer run between me and him, I would have shot because I had no clue he was there. Its to many idiots out in the woods NOT TO wear Orange. Its still idiots that shoot other hunters that have orange on because they had a stick break or didnt check to see what was beyond the target. bascially, walking through the woods without blaze orange on during gun season is bascially gambling with your life
  5. just because its Ohio, doesnt mean every buck is over 150inches LOL.. Alot of the big deer, espically on TV are from outfitters. The average deer in Ohio arent all 170inch monstors:). Besides, you only hear about the 5-6 BIG deer killed there. You dont hear about the 5000(4-8pts) or more average deer killed there just for example. granted, Ohio has better chances for bigger deer. But they have to be managed still. But unless you have a ranch to hunt or manage the property then look for 120inch max deer still
  6. I buy the stuff, but only on sale LOL.. Do I think it helps, yes. Does it totally get rid of scent? Nope.. I never had issues before or after using the stuff. I mainly buy it because everything now has scent lok in it so you relaly dont have much choice. I just like the new style camo patterns and normally the scent lok stuff is light and soft. If it helps then great.. if it doesnt, Im not upset
  7. ive got 32 stands LOL but all are store bought... seems like alot of cash, but you can get these things half price or less after season. I can weld, but its still cheaper for me to go to dicks, walmart, or gander mountain and get their stands when on sale. Espically the 15ft ladder stands which are 40bucks on sale. I bought 2 of the loggy bayou pro predators this spring for 60bucks each, which are normally 150buck stands. I cant wait to try those out. But i have enough to never run out, plus I buy about 3-4 more each season. My wife says im obessed with treestands back on topic, if you can weld and have the materials, just look at some of yours you have and try to design one. Someone mentioned the 25buck comfort zone hang ones.. I have 2 and stand stand those. The platform is way to small, espically when getting up above 15ft lol.. but they are nice to have just in case you need one more stand at the last minute to use
  8. Bill and his Son hunt their own land sometimes.. well its been shown on the DVD's anyway. the think the biggest reason you dont see this to often is because they may only have a few decent deer there. They could spend most of the season and only get 1 decent kill on vid, which wouldnt sell much. I'd still like to see a show made where they hunt their own land. That would hit home with most of the vewiers since many of us wont ever get the chance to hunt on a ranch or outfitter
  9. Ive seen it, but never really paid attention to him dancing LOL.. The only ones I watch move are Sara Evans, Shania Twain, and Carrie Underwood;) thats the only hips my eyes seem to focus on LMAO
  10. I agree on the other racks within it... you can see in a few pics that its 3-4 different mainbeams and each are positioned perfectly to fit in there, but they all point in different directions. I couldnt figure why it wasnt posted here also LOL... It looks like one of those table antler base things you get from bass pro. if someone did make that, then props to them... I just dont see that happening in the wild. As someone said on another forum, the only thing its missing is a buick grill in the middle
  11. not sure if this has been posted here or not. But I got this on another forum I visit alot. Basically it was found dead and green scored 409 which would blow the old record out of the water. Which is 333 I think? Supposedly this one had another shed in his rack, which is odd since ive never seen a antler ripped completely off another deer while fighting. Rumor has it, he would go into a farmers barn and eat feed. Ive never seen a WILD deer get close enough to people, much less pay visits inside a barn where human scent is. anyway, take a look... again, if its real then WOW and I cant wait to see it. But its just a weird story!!!
  12. is her name Dakota;) mines still not fully broke yet, but im getting there. I thought about getting a few deer hounds for general season here but I just cant handle the work load all year. My father and grandad had 7 blue ticks which were some cold trailing dogs! Also, excellent coon hounds to. Black and tans are another big old timey breed here also for coons and deer.. as well as bear
  13. VH, thanks for the info.. now i'm a ringworm expert LOL we were all just lucky I guess.. always around cattle, hogs, chickens and etc on the farm.. knock on wood no ringworm
  14. your call;) if you want the hassle of tuning in anew bow then do it. But I doubt anything newer shoots better. Its just a different look.. if it isnt broke, dont fix it:)
  15. I always check any bhead right before I load it on the rest. Mine always get loose, but I just snug them back into place. Out of 12 deer, no issues yet with them! Best bhead ever in my book.. No knocking muzzy and others out there.. they all work if you hit the spot right. its normally 80% shot placement 20% bhead style/design(if that)