Back in early muzzleloader I was out huntin on a property that doesnt have much competition. Anyways while I was sitting in the summit a big flock of turkeys came around the ridgeside. About 5 minutes after that I noticed a black blob in a thick et down below me about 75 yards, I figured it was just another turkey but the texture of it's hide didnt look right, I put the scope on it and about rolled out of my stand. It was a big BLACK bodied with a big white rack I could see through the limbs. All I could make out was 8-10 points but the mass was amazing on him. I never could tell width because he kept broadside. I took a rest off the tree stand and settled the crosshairs on his shoulder, cocked the hammer back and shot. When the smoke cleared he was still laying there, I was so excited I thought I had just completely rolled him, I turned my head and looked back and he was up and calmly walking away down the holler slowly, I reloaded my muzzleloader quicker than I believe I ever have. He stopped at about 100 yards now and I had a opening at his vital, I took a rest again and shot. This time I heard leaves a crunchin and him running away hard. I got down and loaded my muzzleloader again just incase. I look for blood and the deer for about 30-45 minutes before I go out and get my brother, I get him to help me look and we look for that thing fot about 3 1/2 hours in the dark, not finding anything except some big tracks from where he ran. My mother even let me stay home from school the next day and me and my cousin go back and look again for another 2 hours before coming back out. I decided to shoot my muzzleloader and see how it's shooting, after I cleaned it and shot it 2 times it was shooting 4 inches low which made me feel good in a way because I know I completly missed instead of a bad shot and that he's still out there.
Have you all ever heard of a black deer, ever killed one or just seen one? This deer wasnt just a dark drown it was as black as night. So let me know if you have any info.