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About CodyCoyote

  • Birthday 04/21/1988

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  1. I hike a long ways to where I hunt, what would be a good, light, safe climber I could use? It would be nice to fold down, and not cost an arm and leg too. Thanks, Cody
  2. Front shoulder hit, but so low I almost got his elbow and it went into the low chest, I have no idea what vitals I hit.
  3. Its a bad picture but there is on on each base about an inch and a half long.
  4. I was very happy with the deer, I do have a question, are the two points at the base of the rack kickers drop tines or are they not counted at all? I checked him in for a 12 point deer but I'm not really sure.
  5. This is my second bow buck, I shot it in virginia, I estimated him to be 3.5 years old... he was quartering to me hard at 30 I shot him for 25 and almost missed he poured blood like a water hose for the last 50 yards of tracking, he made it about 150. He is 15 in. Wide and has 12 points, and 2 of what I think are considered droptines, maybe kickers I'm not sure. Would you have passed? Should I have passed?
  6. The store by my house has The muzzy broadheads in the 6 pack... are these good broadheads? I started out with some cheap walmart broadheads... but I've shot two deer and missed 3 times this year so I'm out of broadheads. I've tried sharpening them but I'm not satisfied with my broad heads sharpness, ever. Are these sharp to? My brother has the 4 blade kind he hates them but I love them because they are the sharpest I've ever seen. I shot my first deer this year and my biggest buck with the cheap ones but I'm not really trusting in them.
  7. Thanks I will look into some of those guns.
  8. Around how much do they run? Im on a budget... lol
  9. Well, I havent posted in a while, didnt have the time but now with a foot of snow deer season is out and I have nothing to do. I am looking for a good .22 for squirrels and rabbits. My usual range is no more than 50 yards. I wanted one with the following qualities... Accurate with the right ammo (If I miss I want it to be my fault) Multi Shot ( just in case I dont hit him the first time) Open sights and Scopeable (is that a word?) Able to hold enough shots to get the job done on an afternoon hunt. Shoulder's quickly and nicely Light weight Looks decent Under 250 $ For the accuracy I was thinking Bolt action but it isnt easy to get alot of shots off with it. For ammo holding and quick shots I was thinking Semi Auto. I looked at the lever action guns but I cant find a cheap one. I will accept a diffrent caliber as long as I can get ammo fairly cheap. Any suggestions? Thanks, Cody
  10. I tried the .22 method but theyre everywhere, me and my brother have made it to 70 some this year but stopped two weeks before deer season to let the deer settle down. I dont think a blunt would work unless it was a head shot... im accurate not that accurate lol
  11. Well, here in virginia squirrels are in season and the area I hunt is over run with them. I have killed alot of them with field tips i was curious why other tips didnt do the same because i dont like losing my arrows.
  12. I was deer hunting yesterday evening when a squirrel appeared at around 10 yards, it was to tempting so i took out a rage practice head, I figured it would have plent of ripping power, so i took the shot around 12 yards. It was a little far back and the head passed through not the shaft, he ran up a tree and felll out then ran through the woods never to be seen again arrow and all. Whats the deal? This is the third squirrel this has happened to the first two with the judo tip, whats a good small game tip that will do the job? The arrow bounced off 1 squirrel and i bareley found 1 squirrel i shot in the head and that took a finishing off shot... all with the judo tip.
  13. Quiver The Mathews T5 quiver should fit your bow, I did a search and found this on ebay But I havent found a website selling them, there is a nice deal on ebay for one quiver now. Good luck, Cody
  14. easier way I found a few years back that pipe cutters cut carbon arrows nicely, just rub the end on sand paper to remove any burrs. I havent tried other types of arrows.
  15. I know that some people have trouble field judging deer so here is a good site to help: