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About Domin8r28

  • Birthday 03/04/1973

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  1. WOW....all this hostility because of an OPINION no wonder people don't like hunters. First of all, I travel for a living as well so was not able to access this thread while I was away, so no I was not just stirring the pot. Secondly, I NEVER said David was a bad guy, I was only stating that I personally was disappointed with his comment. Third, to the people calling names and making rude comments(gator,hoosierhunter,etc).....GROW UP! Fourth, the show was not called monster bucks it was realtree outdoors, I understand they use this footage for mb as well but get it right.
  2. I wasn't sure where to post this, so I figured the Pro Staff forum would work. I was watching Realtree this morning and David Blanton was hunting with Northern Rockies Outfitters. He said something that bothered me. During the first or second day of the hunt, after being in the stand and "only" seeing does, he said it was a disappointing day. I must disagree with this. As an avid hunter since I was 9 years old, any day in the field is a good day. In my state where hunting pressure is very heavy and property is at a premium, the time and effort I have to put in just to find a place to hunt is extensive. I don't have outfitters throwing their managed land/deer at me to get their free advertising on my TV show. There are many days in the field that I don't see a single deer, but I love being out there just as well. Seeing the number of does that David thought was disappointing, would be greatly appreciated by me and many other hunters in MD that depend on overcrowded public land for our main/only source of hunting pleasure. I almost thought he redeemed himself when he said he "couldn't" pass up the buck he finally shot, but then he stepped in it again by stating it was late on the last day of the hunt.....almost as if he was settleing for an inferior buck because it was the last day and fading light conditions. I just think you/he needs to get back down to earth a little and live in the average hunters shoes, and remember what it's like to not have the big ones thrown at you.