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About cray8705

  • Birthday 02/13/1987


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  • Interests
    Bow Hunting, Football

cray8705's Achievements


4-Pointer (2/7)



  1. Its hard to swallow, but sometimes just seeing a buck like that makes the hunt. Sometimes I walk out of the woods with a big ol grin on my face just because I saw a big one, and some times just because I saw a deer. Good luck, with any you'll see him again!
  2. have been talking to a lot of people who are seeing bucks chasing does
  3. In south central Wi I shot a 6 point yesterday morning, he came in chasing 3 does so I think it has started.
  4. Hunted this morning and it was much more comfortable then my previous stand. I think part of it is the thick cushion that comes with the gorilla stands, but also you can adjust the angle of the seat, my tailbone and back never got sore at all this morning, possibly the most comfortable stand ive ever sat in!
  5. I ordered one from Cabelas, and got it in the mail yesterday. Hung it on a tree in the back yard and it seems like its going to be comfortable, but I will try it out this weekend for a longer sit.
  6. I'm thinking about purchasing a Gorilla hang-on tree stand, my main concern is comfort. The stands I use now, my back starts to hurt after about 2 hrs, so I sit uncomfortable for most of my time in the woods. Any thoughts on the Gorilla stands?
  7. thats awesome, congratulations on the buck of a lifetime!!
  8. they have a gum out there now, I thought it was funny when i first heard about it and was skeptical, but i broke down and bought some this year. It seems to work pretty well
  9. Anyone who owns or has shot this bow what do you think? I havent gotten a chance to shoot it yet, but I'm thinking about getting it once I try it out, and if i like it. Also if you do have it, how much did you spend on your setup? Thanks
  10. From what I've seen where I shop Muzzy's are still cheaper, i've had the same ones for about 4 years now. I target practice with them a little before the season then spend a little time sharping them up for the season. I've never changed blades even on the broadhead that i've killed 4 deer with, just sharpen it up a little. I dont plan on changing anytime soon.
  11. I used it last year, but I wouldnt say I had success with it. I did have deer around me while on stand when using it, but I also had the same situation when not using it. I didnt shoot anything while using it last year either. I still have some left so I will try it again this year and see how if its any different.
  12. I've been hunting this property for about 6 years and this is the nicest looking buck i've gotten pics of, and would be the biggest buck ive ever taken. This will also probably be the last year I will hunt this property because this is where I work and i'm starting a new job. I've been really lucky to be able to hunt 7 days a week the past couple of years and now i'm coaching high school football and starting a new full time job so I will only have weekends to hunt now. What do you think he will score? I know its a little hard to tell since hes in velvet still, and has about 2-3 weeks of growth left, but i'm pretty sure I would try to take him if i get the chance.
  13. If you had to choose one direction to face a stand what would it be? This seems like a simple question but its one of those things I havn't quite figured out yet. I know the wind changes direction and that often determines wether or not you hunt certain stands but what is usually the most common direction of setup?
  14. Its been in the mid 90's all week here, today got to 100, so I havnt been practicing at all as of late. I even recently got new arrows and a new stabilizer, as if I needed a reason to shoot that would usually be enough, but the weather has just been too hot.
  15. I have the Bushnell TC Bone Collector Camera, and I really like it. Only problem i've had with it is a few weeks ago we had some pretty heavy storms and I had the sensitivity up and the time between triggers turned down so i ended up with dead very expensive batteries and over 1500 pictures of stuff blowing around and rain. I had the wild view cameras previously so this is a huge step up from that but even with 8mp setting I still get a few blurry pictures, the trigger speed is better but i still get a few rear end shots as well. If whatever crosses is sitting very still then the pictures are very good.