Just found out the neighbor seen 13 (120"+) bucks in a field together as of two weeks ago. Also found out that in the last two years, he has put in 10 7+ acre food plots throughout his 1800 acres. Seems that my three plots totaling 1 1/2 acres may not have the drawing power that his do. The plan is to triple the size of them next spring with the dozer. Split them between eagle forage, wintergreens, and clover. This year we had just one young ten point on camera all summer. Next year we will see if we can draw some of those deer across the property line. (deer sightings were on his closest food plot about 80 acres away.) Hopefully this year some bucks will cruise through looking for does. Side note: planted half acre of eagle forage beans this spring. Although the tallest they got was two feet, they kept sprouting new shoots all summer and into october!