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About dance.and.shoot

  • Birthday 04/06/1990


  • Location
  • Occupation
    Cabela's-Switchboard Operator for the Lehi Store & LEGAL underage alcohol buyer
  • Interests
    dancing, shooting, Reading, Motorcycle riding, Camping, Hiking, etc!!!
  • Biography
    full-time student. Work 2 part-time jobs

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8-Pointer (4/7)



  1. i recognize that name...i just trying to remember where from...
  2. Sorry ya'll...but I just need to vent... as a couple of you know, I was drugged last Wednesday night with some sort of date rape drug. I went to the hospital the next day to get a tox test. They said since it was over 12 hours, blood would be the best way to go if I wanted something solid to take to the police since I was going to press charges. You've got to understand...i hate needles....with a HUGE passion. they don't like me and I don't like them!!! I explained to them that i'm allergic to needles (they didn't take that seriously) and that I was warning them I might pass out. their reply was "oh don't worry, it's not that bad." {yeah right} I sit down in the chair and they get my arm ready. She sticks the needle in me and that's the last thing I remember until I woke up in the other chair over 1/2 an hour later. the first thing the dr said was "oh, i guess you do pass out, don't you?" kidding Doc!!! the lab called me back today...they messed up on the testing so now I don't have any proof that I was drugged. yeah, date rape drugs can stay in the system for as long as 5 days (or so I was told) but since i didn't finish the entire candy, it's VERY unlikly that it'll still be in my system and I'm not going to go and get blood drawn again and go through that whole ordeal a 2nd time while knowing that there's only like a 13% chance of the drugs still being in my system. I just want to crawl under the counter in my office and cry. Getting that blood drawn was the worst experience of my life...and now i've either got to repeat it, or just drop it and never press charges... so say i'm ticked is a total understatement!!!
  3. same here just saw one from steve....
  4. yeah, i got it from you...i was just thinking what the heck!! why is he sending me a message saying my butt looked good on a video...i was SO confused... thanks for clearing it up!!!
  5. oh and p.s. I love the commentary!!!
  6. LoL...that 'fight' picture was the best!!! all the pictures were great but that had to be one of my favorites!!! congrats on getting a couple despite the warm weather!!!
  7. Wow...that blows. but if they were on their way to a football game, they most certainly talked about it figuring the noise of the game would cover them up...but there's always that one person who has to put their nose in everyone's conversations and listen in!!! They'll come forward, it might just take some time!!! Hope they find someone who knows soon!
  8. Welcome to the forum bearman!!! I may not know a lot about handguns, but I now this is the place to be to learn! everyone on here is super nice and LOVES talking about stuff they know LoL! you'll make some great friends on here and gain some knowledge and helpful inside tricks/helps that you'd never learn anywhere else!!!
  9. Can I just say that's slightly nasty.......okay more than slightly.......... at least you were able to save the back 1/2 of him!!!
  10. No Kidding!!! Those poor guys must be looking down pulling out their hair with what they're seeing happening here... Any leads in the vandalism yet??? Someone must've seen something...
  11. Ya beat me to it Doe-ee!!! Welcome to the forum PinkCamoGal!!! We're excited to have ya!!!