Hello. I wanted to get some feedback as I am new to bowhunting. This is my first season and yesterday was quite an experience. It was awesome, uncomfortable, dissapointing and still sweet day.
I hunt in MD on private land and use a climber. My gameplan was to sit untill like 1030 or 11in my morining spot, warm up my toes,eat and head back out for the rest of the day to my afternoon spot on the other side of the property. I got settled in about 6 am, daylight came and I saw a few does running the top of this hillside to my left. Few little guys under my tree nothing really goin on untill I saw the outline of about 15 deer on the hillside to my left. it was about 930am.They moved past me and about 2 mins later I heard what sounded like a stampede comin through the woods. I stood up grabbed my bow and peaked behind my tree. No exaggeration probably 25 deer comin straight at me about 75 yards and gettin closer. I turned around wtih my back to the tree and stood with my bow waiting for them to get to me...after about 30 secs i got curious and peaked back around and they had stopped and were feeding at about 60 yards directly behind me to the right. All i could see was racks..probably 15 of em were bucks and I could see 3 absolute monsters..2 big 8 points and one that was at least 11 pt....the rest all little scrubs.. So im watchin them for about 20 mins feed shaking like a leaf prayin that none of the scrub bucks or does wonder my way and bust me...and then all of the sudden they all lay down and bed.
so my plan is next thurs n fri my buddy and I are going to be hunting this same spot to finish out the season, so i really dont want to get busted. Im pissed that they bedded down bc I know it could be awhile and im freezing my ass off. so I get my nerves together after awhile and jsut sit tight n watch...the bucks stay down and get up every hour or so for about 5 mins shake off and lay back down...occasionally a doe would wander my way and then lay down.
around 1 some of the does wander down below my stand, and all of the sudden all of the bucks get up. this 8 point starts following behind the does about 25 yardst.. i see the big one get up like hes going to follow too..im standing with my back to the tree watchin the does in front and peeking behind, the does move in front of me and the 8 follows about 15 yards in front of my stand...so now i have the 8 in front of me and the big one at about 50 yards behind me looking like hes about to follow ( i figure hes goin last) so i wait...i was freakin out cuz i was tryin to keep and eye on him and the deer in front at the same time...then the 8 point circles the does back up to where they were bedded and then pushes all the does into the field which seemed weird, then he walked rigth back in and laid down with the rest of the bucks...everytime it seemed like they were gonna make a move either into the field of the swamp below me they would lay back down...it was mentally exhausting bc there was so many deer around me I was worreid about gettin busted, ive never been so cold in my life, and the exctiement. one thing that was sweet was that a couple times during the day this smaller buck would stand up and go over to the big ones and nudge em to get up and then they would lock horns which ive never seen in person before....it was pretty amazing....i ended up stayin in the stand untill dark and snuck down and got out, i coudlnt see them bc it was dark and i kept my light off...im hopin that they didnt catch on to me..but i was literally watchin them from 930 untill 6 pm and they didnt seem on to me.
so if i would have shot the 8 pt it woudl have been my best deer so far, however i was thinkin im hunting here with my buddy next thursday only way im shooting with this many bucks aroudn is if its the big one...what would you have done?
now i dont know if i should have done anything different to get them to come my way or not..the only thing i could think of was if i would have brought my rattle bag but again i didnt wanna risk gettin spotted bc i was so close and there was so many deer. what do you think?
the reason i think they were all herded up was not only cuz of the cold but because they just cut the corn in the last week due to how wet the fields have been.all year long i was seein deer enter the corn after daylight and now they cant. where i hunt is surrounded by corn fields, a swamp, and soy beans with decent woods seperating the fields. do you think thats accurate on why i would see so many deer together? thanks..i cant wait to go next thursday