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About marshall9779

  • Birthday 06/22/1979


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  1. I would say anything 60gr or over is fine. Most states have a minimum powder charge so check your regs first. You could try starting at 50 and let him get used to it and then move up until he starts getting uncomfortable with it.
  2. I too would say somewhere in the neighborhood of 2100-2200 fps.
  3. I have heard that Powerbelts can be fairly accurate, but if you plan on taking game with them do not push them with more than about 90gr of powder. They tend to blow up on impact when pushed with too much powder.
  4. I used to work as an assmbly lead a the Stihl plant in Va. Beach. I built the 170 and 180 chainsaws. They run like no tomorrow. They are the smaller cheapest models good for smaller jobs around the yard. I can speak from experience that Stihl is a super high quality product and I highly reccomend them. I don't own a chainsaw, but have a trimmer and Shredder/Vac. They start super easy and run great.
  5. I love my Optima Elite. It has the higher quality, Bergara barrel. I have a load shooting just under 3/4" at 100yds. It is a bit heavy, but for the money you wont find anything that shoots better.
  6. Congrats from a fellow Marylander.
  7. This week is archery here in MD. It splits up the gun and late muzzleloader season. The late bow season here starts 1/4 and goes through 1/30. I will definitely be out. I went out the first weekend of gun season with my bow and got snowed on. Saw a doe and two little ones. I would have taken the doe if she got close enough. I am waiting to see the big 8 again.
  8. Nov. 5th was a good day for me too. I shot my first 8 pointer and with a bow.
  9. That's a helluva first buck. Could have fooled me with the score though. I would have guessed at least 140 maybe 145.
  10. This has been my best season. I have seen the most deer ever. I did lose a small buck early in bow season, missed another small buck later. I have tied my best with two kills in a season but there is still plenty left here in MD with gun season in now, a week of bow in two weeks, late muzzelloader the last two weeks in december and then late archery through end of Jan. So far I have shot my first deer with my muzzleloader, doe. I also shot my first 8 pointer with my bow a few weeks ago. I plan on trying to take out as many more does as I can and will donate all but one more. I am hopig to get a crack at a huge 8 I saw after I shot the other 8.
  11. I have an Optima Elite which has the Bergarra barrel. I bought it last year. I've done a little experimenting but am currently shooting 100gr Blackhorn 209 under a 200gr Shockwave using Win regular 209 primers. That load is shooting just under 3/4" at 100yds, cloverleaf. Took my first deer with it this year, bang flop doe at 40 yds. Here's a pic of the group. I finched on the 4th shot that's closer to the middle, but the other three are touching.
  12. New to forum, just wanted to post up my bow kill from 11/5. My first 8 pointer. Wouldn't you know though that after I shot him an aboslute monster 8 shows up at 30 yds but I needed to have shot two does with my bow to take him. I did get a doe with my muzzleloader though on Halloween, first one with my muzzy.