Wow Annie, I've been researching the same topic for months- trying to decide on a .243 or 25-06 for my 13 yr old daughter. I've decided on the .243 for the simple fact that the recoil is next to nothing. In fact, when comparing the charts with the .243 and a .410 shotgun with a 3" slug, the recoil is almost exactly the same. Plain and simple- you need to be comfortable with the gun to be a great shot, and recoil has everything to do with making some people comfortable.
I've narrowed my search to the Remington 700 SPS or the Thompson Center Venture. There is quite a bit difference in price though. The Venture is TC's "entry level" gun. It's marketed to compete with some of the lower priced competitor models, but it is made similarly to the TC Icon without a few of the bells and whistles. It retails for under $500 and has a mfr guarantee to have 1" or tighter groups @ 100 yards. The gun also has a great warranty compared to others.
As for the .243 capabilities- all of the above replies have hit it on the head. Great gun for everything from p-dogs to whitetails including antelope, hogs and yotes.
I am planning to pick mine up at Cabela's on Wednesday!
Have fun and it's always great to hear from a lady that loves to hunt!