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About goosefever

  • Birthday 12/15/1933

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  1. sound like some of our ohio hunts. what do you do with the drumsticks"|? Im thinking of make jerky with the goose breasts and grinding the drumsticks and making summer sausage,.... anyone do this kind of stuff. Nice looking bunch of birds. ohio limit is 2 canadas and 6 ducks we have limited several times
  2. nice bunch of geese. we have similar situation hre in ohio. Have hunted 2 seasons now and takken 17 last year and 50 this year. we are extremely careful to set up that no shot lands near any houses. This often causes us to pass up shooting. Enuf on that what do u do with the drumsticks. I am thinking of grinding them and makeing summer sausage. Will make super delicious jerky with the brests. can anyone help with the drumsticks
  3. great load of ducks. any geese your way
  4. Sounds great. I plan to make goose jerky with my goose breasts. Have you used drumsticks for sausage, jerky or whatever. Im thinking of grinding the drumsticks, mixing 27lb with 1 lb bacon and lbs pork. using cabelas original summer sausage ingredients tht i normally use to make my deer and elk sausage.
  5. Sounds great. I plan to make goose jerky with my goose breasts. Have you used drumsticks for sausage, jerky or whatever. Im thinking of grinding the drumsticks, mixing 27lb with 1 lb bacon and lbs pork. using cabelas original summer sausage ingredients tht i normally use to make my deer and elk sausage.