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Everything posted by bbgatech

  1. What a great video. That song sums it up for me. Its not that I harvest game, it's being out there that's special.
  2. A lot of folks including myself feel it's as you are a little closer to God in away, because your in his creation out in the woods. Its surprising to me to see 2 people see a waterfall for example and one says that's pretty and the other see's the work of God.
  3. I've been getting great groups from Hodgen's triple 7 pellets and clean up is easy.
  4. I totally agree that they should watch over but I had a warden in Colorado track me to my stand while I was watching some elk cows graze. He shouldn't have done that. I only had a bull tag so it didn't matter to much that the game was spooked but it didn't sit well with me afterwords with what happened. I've been checked alot over the years and have a great amount of respect for what wardens have to put up with and deal with. In this disscusion we also have to note the differance in warden and DNR/state. Here in Ga. hunter's pay out through license fees and we still lose land through cuts. Also wardens have to pick alot of the expenditure up being funded with hardly any money.
  5. St. Patricks day give me a chance to wear camo in the office. Awesome
  6. Resident... 30 something bucks for a tag. Nonresident... 500 something for a tag. Now check the differance for any other tag a person might want in a state without the Rockies and Elk or Mule deer. The western states make so much money off nonresident tags. Also I've heard so many stories of Game Wardens trailing you on hunts trying to bust you for some infraction. I'm sure some don't have a problem with none of this but this is where I don't think its right.
  7. Cheez-its and a Coke...gotta keep moving:cell:
  8. The weather man said it's suppose to be close to 70deg. opening day of Turkey in Ga. I sure hope so.
  9. I still use my Hoyt Havoc with Beman arrows tipped w/ 85grain NAP thunderheads. Still shoots awesome like day one.
  10. I tried out the Bing maps you can download and really like it. You can invert the map instead of looking straight down to get a better feel for the terrain.
  11. Well...I guess. Hope their doing better than my college team. Not so good this year.:disolve: Guess the team.
  12. Well it helps that I caught mine on sale at Dick's sporting goods, but yeah your right it cost some $$$. However if it tightens groups and I can tell a differance I'll buy it. Like I said before though, your local pro shop should let you try out differant models and brands if you let them know your in the market to buy. Hope this helps.
  13. On my Hoyt I use Limbsavers Modular stabilizer. It works great for me ever since I got one. There's a lot to choose from on the market. Your local archery shop may let you try one or two out on the range before you buy.
  14. Me and my boy have fun with my Savage 17hmr at the range. At home its just the air gun...dang city limits.
  15. I agree, when Rocky first came out they we're great but now their not so great in my opinion. First, their to heavy compared on average to other boots on the market. However any of the Rocky boots are better than Wolverine boots. I tried some Wolverines in Colorado and they leaked on the first stream I crossed.:angry: Not good!
  16. What I do is go on you tube and find footage of hen turkeys and try to mimic them in the way they call. Then practice, practice. Good luck:)
  17. bbgatech

    Ive got a problem

    I would stay clear. You can be friends with both...after the dust settles.