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About pintail_drake2004

  • Birthday 12/05/1985


  • Location
    Southern Illinois
  • Occupation
    Wildlife Manager
  • Interests
    Hunting, Trapping, Fishing, Dog Training

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  1. Sorry for the blurry picture, it was foggy last night in the country. I Passed on the buck last season, searched far and wide and couldnt find any sheds. I thought he may have been killed in the late season. I guess him to be at least 3.5, I know his hind legs look longer but he is actually standing in a depression downhill.
  2. I was watching a show on the Outdoor Channel and the gentleman was talking about his new bow. "We got the new bows in, set them up and got them shooting an acceptable pattern" what I want to know is what is this acceptable pattern? Sounds like an ethical/personal decision to me. What is acceptable to one may not be to another. Your thoughts?
  3. it is quite possible that last buck will make our "hit list" this season.
  4. Tip and inserts were not driven up into the shaft, rather left in the target. The points I recovered are not damaged at all-like you would see when you hit a rock or something hard. You can see in the 2nd picture the tip is intact and not driven up into the shaft. All 3 arrows hit within 2" of eachother in the heart/lungs area. I gave the other 2 tip/inserts to the guys working on my bow (I had to remove them from the target). I have used a metal spike in the holes and have not felt anything solid. I have even tried it from different angles (though it was a straight on shot). The manager of the lodge at Dicks use to work for the big bow shop down here until they closed-I know him personally and only deal with him. They replaced the limbs, got everything squared away like it should be, and spine tested the arrows. Just for comparison they tested some brand new arrows that were in stock. I wont be shooting this target again until I figure how what happened. I guess its back to our Block.
  5. Lots of reference material. Check out have alot of tutorials for helping folks. mounting a critter isnt rocket science, but it does take some time and pay attention to detail. Just like trapping, you have to have fun doing it or it becomes work! When i was mounting critters, only work 1-2 hours on it so you dont get burnt out or lose interest.
  6. WoW 3 months would be nice!!! My last buck was dropped off in November and picked up in August. This past season, my bro and I dropped off 2 buck and 2 ducks in November and beginning of December. Taxi told us be close to end of summer. Personally I would rather them take their time and do it RIGHT than hurry and mess it up. I have mounted many critters myself, and tanned many more, it is by no means an easy process. Best to take your time and not forget anything so you can pay attention to detail
  7. Took the bow, broken arrows, and 3 good arrows to Dicks (where I got it) for inspection. They checked over the bow-said the split limbs were warped and out of time. Checked one of the broken arrows (the longest of the 3) and it flexed like 6 inches with ease. Checked the remaining arrows, 2 flexed like they should, but one could be bent almost 8 inches. Everything is under warranty so thats not a problem. Im just glad this happened now instead of October.
  8. Well, the folks are at work and my brother is at training so I was left here all to my lonesome. After doing some serious though about doing chores or shooting, I opted to go out back and play with my new setup. I have not had the bow that long, pse BowMadness XS, and have put close to 500 arrows though it. My brothers girlfriend, God bless her, saw that bo was in need of a new archery target-as our Block has been shot x-thousand times by the two of us-so she went out and bought him a GlenDel buck. Shes a keeper!!! I have had this bow sighted in 10-40 yards since I got it. Started shooting today at 30yds and the first 3 arrows broke when they hit the target I have no clue what is going on. They are Carbon Express Maxima Hunter Arrows with Blazer Vanes. IDK what was going on, they JUST BROKE when they hit the target! Any ideas? As of now, this bow has been stored outside in a case-could the heat have made the arrows fragile? Its enough to make my arse work button holes-thats for sure. At $80/6 arrows they are not your Wal-mart special. I have shot carbon express for almost a decade now, and have never had a problem like this. Though all the rest of my shooting session was OK, the overall accuracy was "off" a bit. I am literally baffled by this-I'm usually at 1-1.5" group guy at 30yds. Any thoughts on what could have happened, or caused the arrows to shatter like they did would be helpful. Pintail PS: by the time yall read this, all the chores will be a few extras in prep for Mothers Day.
  9. Hello gents, my brother and I have been in the market for some good trail cameras. We have used several different kinds over the years and have had mixed results. In December 09, we graduated with our Masters Degrees, and both of our projects and thesis were over using camera traps to monitor different species (mine was predators and prey, his was cervids species). During the study we used moultrie, cuddeback, and stealthcam cameras. Recently, we have had major issues with stealthcam and will never purchase another one of their products again. cuddeback cameras did not preform well in the enviroment in which our study was held-and seems as of lately their overall ratings have been going down. Moultrie cameras were kind of "iffy" on battery life. We had 30 cameras for our study and not one of them preformed like they should. Now, we are in the market for a few more trail cameras-this time for personal/client use. Bushnell Trophy Cameras have been recieving some good reviews-have any of you had much luck with them? what is their customer service like? any other camera suggestion? Thanks pintail
  10. We have a popup blind, but I am not too fond of bowhunting from it. Just seems like alot of wasted time setting the thing up and brushing it in. Since you have to brush it in, whats the point? Build a quick ground blind with your brush IMHO. IDK maybe we just havent found the right popup blind yet, seems to me they dont have alot of room to move/draw in. I dont have that long of a draw, only 26" but I am not a small guy either. In our ameristep, my shoulders touch the sides
  11. I have a big problem with that crabgrass here. The best way I found, as mentioned above, was to use Roundup then burn off the garden a few days later. Works for about a year, then by time i get around to gardening again the next spring, the crabgrass has come back and I have to do it all over again.
  12. If it would stop raining for a bit it would help. Finally got to till the garden last week. then between the rain, i put some fertilizer on. Now i have 100 maters ready to plant, and my 50 red/50 green bell peppers still havent showed up. Got the sweet taters started, still need to find a couple hundred onions as well (I usually do 100-150 each of green, red, yellow, and white). Since space is an issue for us, we dont do corn in our garden rather we will put in a couple 1/4 mile rows on the farm. I just hope the weather holds out for the rest of the week so I can start planing.
  13. Well as my bro said, We have had problems w/ our steathcams since the beginning. AMOF I got mine back from TX for the 4th time and it flat out didnt work!!! I called them and they proceeded to tell me that I didnt know how to use a camera. I informed them I graduated in December 09 from SIUC with my Masters Degree in Forestry/wildlife management and that my project and thesis revolved around using trail cameras to monitor predator and prey species. They flat out told me it was my problem not theirs. Called BassPro (where we got the cameras) and they are allowing us to return the cameras for a full refund. We will both upgrade our cameras now.
  14. did the gun come with a book? if so it will have loading info in it. Cannot tell you about the bullets to use. Need to know the rate of twist in the barrel. will make a difference on round balls or conicals. Now I shoot a flintlock and I use Goex FFG powder for the charge, and FFFG powder for prime. THe net is full of loading charts but a rule of thumb is that the max load is about 2x the cal of the flintlock (ex. .54 max load of about 108gr powder)