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  • Birthday 12/17/1968


  • Location
    Newburgh, NY
  • Occupation
    Retail Manager
  • Interests
    Archery, Hunting and Fishing

JDAWG's Achievements


6-Pointer (3/7)



  1. Very Sad! Prayers for the family of the Warden.
  2. Great buck! You never know what is going to happen.
  3. I have shot a deer and upon field dressing the deer found 8 inches of arrow shaft inside it. I was amazed!
  4. I definately would go and get my deer. The laws for posting your land are so difficult to adhere to, you wouldn't be able to get yourself into too much trouble. For instance you have to have a clearly marked, unobstructed sign posted EVERY 100 ft around the border of your property. Almost impossible to completly comply. Go get your buck man!
  5. Hey all ny hunters...don't forget to stop by your town hall to pick up your bonus dmp tags...the wmu's available are listed on the dec website. I saw a lot of wmu's upstate as well as zone 3. First come first serve until they are all given out. I got 2 extra tags today..felt like christmas....
  6. The only thing that I could add it to make sure that your kids know you love them and that nothing is their fault...stay in touch with the kids,not the ex.
  7. Good luck with the recovery! Can't wait to get the complete story. WTG Tim!
  8. Glad to hear everyone is ok. Property is replaceable, but people are not!
  9. Oh yea! I don't have any dogs but NY has a non profit called deer search. I called them to get them to help. The handler's first question was "Is it a big deer?" When I told him that it was a good six, he said "Oh umm I have another call but I'll call another handler for you." Needless to say, they did not call back. What a load of crap.
  10. No luck! I searched for 2 days! The blood trail just stopped. I must have circled around for about 1/2 mile. Hopefully, he is still alive. There are a lot of yotes around.
  11. Shot a big 6pt last night...got out of the stand and let him be...I watched him lay down...don't know why I cant find him...found numerous pools of blood...any suggestions? Please HELP!:bang:
  12. I'm hitting the woods again tomorrow. Weather looks good...hopefully will be successfull.
  13. Got out both days over the weekend, however the wind was difficult to manage. Yesterday, I had some jerk in the woods across the creek from me walking through and throwing firecrackers. He's lucky he didn't meet my gold tip! Gonna get out again tomorrow evening.
  14. Kinda "Blew" up on ya! Sorry for the poor humor.