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Everything posted by keegan

  1. keegan

    Tanning Hide

    Awesome, thanks
  2. keegan

    Tanning Hide

    I've been deer hunting all my life, but I have never tanned a hide. I'm planning on tackling it this years. Does anyone have any suggestions and/or opinions on the process. I thought about a brain tan. I youtubed the basics. It seems like you scrape it, tan it, wash it, work it, and possibly smoke it. I want to leave one side with fur for a throw rug or a blanket. Some videos say avoid using salt if you want a smooth finish on the bare skin side. Any cheap suggestions on the tactics or tools that are cheap any easy. Thanks everyone...
  3. I'm from Illinois, but I moved to Kansas last summer. I'm going to start hunting at Hillsdale Lake located in Miami County Kansas. Does anybody have any information about Hillsdale and the hunting success there? I'm planning on scouting the area in a few weeks, but there is a lot of acres and I would like to narrow the scope of the search. I would appreciate any info. Thanks
  4. Thanks everyone for your responses. I forgot how nice this site actually is. We have talked about ground blinds before and we might go that route instead. He will probably get more uncomfortable in the stand as the years pass. I'll start looking soon. I hunt in Illinois and he won't get a long shot in a blind if he hunts in "the spot", but we might be able to figure something out. Thanks again everyone...Happy Hunting.....
  5. Hello my father is 6'08" tall and 54 years old. He is old school and refuses to get in the air, but every years he gets busted hunting deer (firearm only hunter). I'm set on buying him a stand this year. I'm looking for a ladder stand that has a big platform for him. He is kinda picky on feeling safe so it has to be a big platform. He tried to go up one last year and he said that the seat stuck out too far and it left little room for this feet. He also wears a size 15. I know I"ll have to spend some money, but I'm trying to find a stand that is priced reasonable. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do? Thanks everyone.
  6. Hello, I'm an Illinois resident and my father and I routinely go to South Dakota to pheasant hunt. My dad wants to take his Mossberg 500 20 gauge instead of his 12. My question is will the 20 have enough power to knock down and harvest a pheasant? He hits clays well, but busting a clay is much different than dropping a pheasant. I would appreciate any information on opinions and load recommendations.