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About Brantley

  • Birthday 02/16/1983

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  1. Brantley

    How many pins?

    I've shot a 3-pin sight my whole life, but switched to an HHA this summer. So far, on targets anyway, I've really liked it. It's definitely made the 60- and 70-yard shots easier. I won't be taking anything like that in the woods, but it's great practice and a lot of fun. I learned a lot about single-pin sights hanging around some of the Bowcast guys, and have posted a few videos and articles about them recently on the main Realtree site. Check them out. Bowhunting Tips | Bowhunting Tips From Out West | Article | Realtree ®
  2. Hey guys and gals, just a reminder that this is the last week for the turkey tips contest. Get your submissions in before June 1 for a shot at that new Black's Creek turkey vest.
  3. Make a submission to the Turkey Tip Contest for your chance to win it. We'll be picking this week's winner on Friday morning.
  4. Hey guys, Cole Wallace is the winner of the first week's Turkey Tip contest. We'll be giving away more prizes for this week's winner. I think some new turkey calls from H.S. Strut are next on the list.
  5. Hey guys, Cole Wallace is the winner of the first week's Turkey Tip contest. We'll be giving away more prizes for this week's winner. I think some new turkey calls from H.S. Strut are next on the list.
  6. We just launched the Strut Report map, in addition to the Turkey Tips contest, in the turkey section of the main site. The Strut Report is intended to be used as a resource so you can submit reports about the gobbling and strutting activity in your area and check on other reports from across the country.
  7. We just launched the Strut Report map, in addition to the Turkey Tips contest, in the turkey section of the main site. The Strut Report is intended to be used as a resource so you can submit reports about the gobbling and strutting activity in your area and check on other reports from across the country.
  8. We just launched a couple new items in the turkey section of One of them is a Turkey Tips contest. You can read the rules, learn about some of the prizes and make a submission by going here: Basically, we'll be picking the best turkey hunting tips, publishing them on, and sending prizes to the winners. The prize for the best tip this first week will be a new ThermaCell. We'll be announcing the other prizes in the coming weeks here in the forums, on the Turkey Blog ( and on the Realtree Outdoors Facebook page. We won't announce them in each spot every time, so you'll have to check around to figure out what the prize for the week is. At the end of the season (June 1), we'll be giving away a new turkey vest to the author of the best overall tip of the year. Hope you all enjoy it!
  9. We just launched a couple new items in the turkey section of One of them is a Turkey Tips contest. You can read the rules, learn about some of the prizes and make a submission by going here: Basically, we'll be picking the best turkey hunting tips, publishing them on, and sending prizes to the winners. The prize for the best tip this first week will be a new ThermaCell. We'll be announcing the other prizes in the coming weeks here in the forums, on the Turkey Blog ( and on the Realtree Outdoors Facebook page. We won't announce them in each spot every time, so you'll have to check around to figure out what the prize for the week is. At the end of the season (June 1), we'll be giving away a new turkey vest to the author of the best overall tip of the year. Hope you all enjoy it!
  10. Hey folks, we posted the winners to the two photo contests yesterday. If you're among the winners, I'll be e-mailing you soon about your RealStore gift card. Hope you guys and gals enjoyed the contests.
  11. Thanks, guys. Info like this helps.
  12. Hey guys, looking for some honest opinions and feedback here on feature stories for Would you rather read hunting "stories," written for entertainment, like this:****-ducks ...or do you prefer "how-to" articles that attempt to teach you something about hunting, like this: Or do you like a mixture of the two? So far as stories go, what do you guys think is missing?
  13. Hey guys and gals, here's the first round of finalists for the waterfowl photo contest.
  14. Yes. We'll post some of the photos we've already received in a photo essay the beginning of next month (see some of the photo essays already posted from the deer season contests as an example). You'll still be free to submit photos throughout the month of January, too, since waterfowl seasons are still open in much of the country at that time. Winners will be picked at the end of the month.
  15. Thought I'd share a few pics from Kentucky this year. Been a pretty good early season. Limit of mallards, gadwalls and a teal from Ky. Lake. Two-man limit of gadwalls, buffleheads and a pintail. My buddy Tim with a pintail.